To enable the Product Reviews feature go to Merchandising > Product Reviews > Configure and check the "Enable Reviews feature" checkbox. There are a few other settings on that same screen that you may want to tweak such as the text displayed to the shopper.
To fix the | displaying (if you don't want to enable Product Reviews) You would need to edit the product template Flex-Build-Product.sst and make a couple of changes. To edit that template file you would go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Page/Product and in the section Product Templates use the Copy ShopSite Product Template button to bring up a list of the ShopSite provided product templates. Select the template Flex-Build-Product.sst and put Flex-Build-Product.sst1 in the File Name fo the new copy field (note the 1 at the end of the name). Click the Copy button. Next select the Flex-Build-Product.sst1 file and click the Edit Product Template button.
Next look for this code in the template file
- Code: Select all
<span class="reviews-brief">[-- REVIEWS_STARS --][--
you basically just need to add [-- IF REVIEWS --] and [--END_IF--]
statement around it so it looks like this:
- Code: Select all
[-- IF REVIEWS --]
<span class="reviews-brief">[-- REVIEWS_STARS --][--
[-- END_IF --]
There may be a couple of instances of this code in the template so if there are change them all.
Then click the Save Changes button to exit the editor.
Next select the Flex-Build-Product.sst1 file in the list again and use the Copy Product Template button and give it the name Flex-Build-Product.sst (i.e. remove the 1 from the end of the name).
Next you need to publish the store again so the template change will take affect. You do this by going to Utilities > Publish > Regenerate.
The change will now be in your pages. Note if your pages don't look correct you can get back to the ShopSite version of the template by simply deleting the template that you edited and republishing to use the ShopSite version of the template.