by bkerns » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:19 pm
I am using ShopSite's variable pricing but I would like to make sure the price is coming only from the same domain that the cart is on. This would defeat downloaded and manipulated copies of the page from being posted.
Order Anywhere is a great feature as it allows the definition of the input to order.cgi from externally or highly customized forms via a simple post. Implementing this feature has been the only way I can work around getting a product that is variable in price, description, and contain a lot of extra fields via finopt options. This is my dev page: It is an edited output from a single ShopSite template. The breed, and classes dropdown options as well as the the initial prices will be populated from the product fields, the AKC registration data is pulled via external cgi and is parsed into the form via returned JSON string and JQuery. The price is determined by the state of the Classes dropdowns (options) and the number of dates, it calculates for 2nd entries discount, ala cart pricing i.e. Sweepstakes etc. It's all very complicated and makes my brain squirm.
I understand the true intent of Order Anywhere is to allow cross domain posts to order.cgi, but it would also be nice to be able to limit the domain to the same origin, then it could be called either "Order Here" or "Order Anywhere" depending how it is configured. I am wondering if this may be a configuration of the web server or maybe the content type but I was hoping ShopSite had a feature somewhere that is being illusive to me.
Thanks for helping, greatly appreciated.