Associate Reporting

General ShopSite user discussion

Associate Reporting

Postby PowerPro » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:46 pm


I am looking to see if there is a way to ensure to our Associates a transparent reporting of their numbers and commission for orders that are processed through their links. Do we only have the ability to show them the Associate Reports or is there something they can check themselves?

Also is their a way to combine the reporting for Associate links WITH coupon codes that were given to the Associates for their customer's savings? (These would be usage of the coupon code that came through something other than the associate link but they still should get credit for it towards their commission.)

Thank you!
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:32 pm

Re: Associate Reporting

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:16 pm

An email is sent to the associate when a shopper who came through their link completes an order. The email contains the shopper name, order number, and the order total. This is the only 'report' the associate has access to (unless you want to send them screenshots of the reports you have available in the backoffice). In the Reports menu there is a section for Associates reports and for Coupon reports, but not a combined Associates/Coupons report. If you wanted to see what Associate used coupons you would have to create a unique coupon to give to each individual Associate, then you could do a report on that particular coupon.

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