Duplicate Filenames

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Duplicate Filenames

Postby alfie » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:01 pm

Good day,

I would like to ask how can I check the pages with duplicate filenames? I found on the root folder something like this #NAME?_ss72584.

Please advice.

Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:37 pm

Re: Duplicate Filenames

Postby Jim » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:46 pm

If you don't assign a page file name or a product moreinfo file name then ShopSite will generate a the page with a file name like page<recordnumber>.html or product<recordnumber>.html where <recordnumber> would be the database record number for the page or product. This would give you page file names like page123.html or product123.html.

If you have a page that you have specified a specific number of product to be on each page and you have ShopSite generate enough pages to cover all the products assigned to the page then the file names will be something like page<recordnumber>_ss<pagenumber> Where <recordnumber> is again the database record number of the page and <pagenumber> is the number of the pagination page. So for example you have a page with database record number of 99 and on that page you assign 30 products. If you set pagination (Pages>Edit Page Layout> pagination at the bottom of the screen) to allow 10 products to the page when you publish 3 pages will be generated with 10 products on each page. The pages will have the file names of page99.html, page99_ss2,html and page99_ss3.html. If you had given the pages a file name (say mystuff.html) instead of just leaving the filename field blank then the 3 pages generated would be named mystuff.html, mystuff_ss2.html and mystuff_ss3.html.

A file with the name #NAME?_ss72584 would mean that you had assigned 72584 products to a single page and you had pagination set to 1. !!!

Pagination pages are not automatically cleaned up if you change a pages file name so you will need to remove those files from the server using ftp or terminal access.
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