Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

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Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

Postby alison » Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:51 am


I was just wondering if anyone else has the same issue.

I am using I-Page to host, Shopsite as my shopping cart, weebly to build site and have purchased a SSL certificate through I-Page, it seems i can only run version 10 Shopsite in order for this to work, I-Page have been working of this issue for quite some time (over a year now).

Anyone shed any light on the subject all i get from I-Page is the engineers are working on it.

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Re: Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

Postby Jim » Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:26 am

This is strictly a hosting issue. There is no reason that ShopSite 11 cannot be run on a server with your own secure certificate.
You should contact their support and ask to speak with the top manager and insist that they upgrade your store to the latest version.

If you can't get satisfaction that way send an email with your ipage support case number and the name of the support people you talked with and a description of what is happing (or not happening) to info-team at support dot com (replace the at and dot with the proper symbols). We can try to escalate the issue from our account rep that works with ipage. We can't force them to do anything but some times it helps to have pressure come from several directions.
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Re: Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

Postby alison » Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:06 am

Thank you for your thoughts i will contact them again and see what they say. I have a manager calling me back fingers crossed i can finally get the issue resolved and use the latest version of shopsite. If not i may take you up on you kind offer to help.

Thank you.

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Re: Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

Postby alison » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:49 am

The Plot thickens,

I have spoke to a manager at I-page who was very helpful and kindly explained the issue is with Shopsite, something to do with Geo Trust not inter grating with the latest version of Shopsite, apparently Shopsite know of this and i-page have reported numerous bug reports and have an open ticket and are speaking to their contact at Shopsite, they have issued another bug report today.

As a customer this is very frustrating, hopefully the issue can be resolved with some urgency, if it's not resolved soon i will be asking for a discount for running an out of date program and paying full price, i suggest the price of Shopsite doesn't go up until the issue is resolved in fact the price should come down.

This is the 1st issue i have had with Shopsite other wise it's been great.

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Re: Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:10 am

I'm sorry you got this answer from your host, but the SSL certificate is installed on the hosting webserver (not in ShopSite) and ShopSite does not care what kind of SSL certificate the webserver uses (because ShopSite does not 'integrate' directly with the SSL certificate at all). I know of several ipage customers who have had their stores that were installed by ipage at v10 manually upgraded to the latest ShopSite version with no problems. I believe the only issue is that ipage has not updated their install scripts for this kind of install to use the latest version of ShopSite. The techs there that you have been speaking to have no control over this, though, this is a change that their system admins/developers have to do at some point, so I can understand why the techs there may believe some kind of rumor there about ShopSite and SSL certs (which is not the case). I would suggest that you email guy (at), the ShopSite account manager for ipage, and see if he can help you out here. It would also be helpful if you can provide him with the ipage case number and the name of the manager you spoke with there.

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Re: Shopsite- Ipage-Weebly-SSL Certificate

Postby alison » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:10 pm

Thank you for your prompt reply,

Finally at least now after a year i know what the problem is i should have posted sooner. I will send an email as you requested i would be happy with anything you can do to help, however not been a Shopsite issue i can't see what you can do unless you have a red hot poker to sick up their ****. I can't be the only person with this issue can i?.

Thank you again for your time and help.

Living in hope

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