Going Straight to Checkout After clicking Buy.

General ShopSite user discussion

Going Straight to Checkout After clicking Buy.

Postby kathiekoehn » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:07 am

We use the order anywhere buttons for our website. Before we had it where if somebody hits that button, it would take them to the shopping cart. Recently I've been getting calls from customers saying that when they go to buy something, its not showing up. It is adding to their cart, but its not taking them to the shopping cart. I thought this was an IE *shudder* glitch, but I'm using Firefox and its doing the same to me.

Is this a new update? A toggle I can switch off?

Thank you.
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Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:33 am

Re: Going Straight to Checkout After clicking Buy.

Postby Jim » Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:55 am

There are settings on Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart that can disable the cart displaying when an item is added to it. (The default behavior is to have it display). The two settings that affect this are
Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox
Do not display the "Show me my shopping cart" check box

What are those settings in your store? I think if you have the first one not checked and the second one checked you will have the situation where the shopper adds to the cart but the cart doesn't display. If that is the case you need to either change the settings or make sure you have a View Cart button on you store pages so they can click that to get to the cart.
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