Ban a specific customer

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Ban a specific customer

Postby JPW2105 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:53 pm

Hello all, I have searched and come up with nothing which I am surprised at, I'm probably searching for the wrong thing!

We've had a customer who has ordered from us, received the goods and then reclaimed the money via PayPal. We are quite a lot "down" on this financially.

I would like to specifically bar customers who do this but cannot find a way of doing it, any ideas anyone?
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri May 20, 2011 3:54 am

Re: Ban a specific customer

Postby Jim » Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:41 pm

There is nothing in ShopSite that would prevent a shopper from ordering.

If you have a Pro level ShopSite store, You could require shoppers to register and signin before ordering. Then if you have someone place a problem order you could Lock their account, which would prevent them from ordering. But there is nothing to stop them from signing up with a different email address and using that to make a purchase.

If you know the IP where the shopper came from (it should be in the order details when you view the order in the backoffice) you could add the IP to your servers .htaccess file and deny them access to the store directory. You can find details on the web about how to do this or your host should be able to help you. The problem with doing that is the shopper could login from any number of locations so unless they repeat it from the same location it wouldn't block them.

You could try filing a complaint with PayPal against them and explain your side of the issue. PayPal probably has some policy against fraud and could disable their account.

If you have multiple instances of problems from PayPal orders you should check into another payment method.
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Re: Ban a specific customer

Postby JPW2105 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:55 pm

Unfortunately, PayPal keeps agreeing with the customer. We are down about $1000 so far. Always the same email address as well from this one customer. We have done the address thing, just hope that this stops him. Might be an idea to give us the option to block specific email addresses in the future, just as a precaution - the determinded thief will still persevere, but we should be able to do whatever we can to stop it! Please?
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri May 20, 2011 3:54 am

Re: Ban a specific customer

Postby 4erika » Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:44 am

We have one customer who did something like that to us....once. We banned them by simply refunding any order they placed after that and tell them that we could not fill their order but to feel free to shop elsewhere. We have the name and address on our wall and everyone knows not to process an order for this one customer. Out of the thousands of customers we ship to, this is the only one we have deemed worthy of banning, so it's really not that big of a hassle.
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