Are you talking about downloading the information in orders or downloading the products database fields?
To download the options from the products database you can download a single (or a selected number) from the products screen by selecting the products from the list and clicking the download button. To download all products go to Utilities > Database > Download >Products. In either case you can select to download "All Fields", "Selected Fields Only" or "Use field map" (which is a predefined format you create). If all you want is a few fields then it it best to use the Selected Fields Only option and choose the fields you want. For example I selected Name, SKU and Product options and when I downloaded a single product here is the output.
- Code: Select all
#Name SKU Product Options
Apple apple1sku !0:menu1 ##
!0:menu1 menu2 menu3 menu4 use apptext sku pricemod weightmod qtyonhand lowstock outofstock image
red checked a123 0.0 1 0 0 none ##
yellow checked b234 0.0 10 5 0 none ##
green checked c456 0.0 0 0 0 none ##
The columns don't line up well in the forum or a text file so it is best to look at this in a spreadsheet. But here is basically what the above data means.
This row is the name of the database fields #Name SKU Product Options
This row is the first products information Apple apple1sku !0:menu1 ##
The "!0:menu1" indicates that this product has advanced options and indicates that the data for the option follows. The format is always and ! followed by a number and then menu1, so if you had 5 products with menu options it would be !4:menu1 (since counting started at 0 not 1). The ## indicates that is the end of data in the row.
The line "!0:menu1 menu2 menu3 menu4 use apptext sku pricemod weightmod qtyonhand lowstock outofstock image" is the header row for the advanced options. If there is data for all those fields then it will be in the columns under the appropriate data name.
The rows starting red, yellow, green are the data for the 3 advanced options my product had. They would line up under the menu1 column. menu2,menu3, menu4 are empty since there is only one set of option values. Use is either checked or blank depending on what you have set for the option. apptext is for any additional text you might have for an option, then comes the sku, pric, weight, quantity etc fields.
The line starting with !! indicates that is the end of the options for the product. If there are more products in the download file they would follow the same format except the initial header row is not included for each additional product. If a product has no advanced options then there will not be anything in the "Product Options" field and there won't be a row for options since there are none. If there are options for a product the header row for the options will be included for that product's options.
This format does not combine the main product and the option sku's, it will just display the product sku in the product data sku column and the option sku's in the options list sku column. I don't believe there is a way to get a listing other than the above format.