Help with the home page of my store

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Help with the home page of my store

Postby wmbaskets » Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:06 am

OK - I am just getting my store set up, so of course I have many questions. I've done the best I can on my own and with iPage's support team's help (iPage is the web host that I buy ShopSite Pro from) but there is a limit to what I can do on my own, and I have reached the limit of what iPage knows about ShopSite Pro.

Here is the list of remaining unresolved issues that I'm hoping you folks can help me out with. These issues all correspond to

1.) Upper-right corner- it says "Home | view cart" in small pink font over the zebra print and it's barely legible. I don't need those extra links as I have several other places on the page where those links can be accessed and they are easier to read. How can I get rid of those?

2.) The large, main image on my home page: - I want to make it so that if a customer clicks on that picture, it links to the product entry for that product: -I can't figure out how to do this and my web host was no help either.

3.) At the bottom of any page that has the "footer" set up on it, I have these 3 badges:, ShopSite Shopping Cart Software, and SiteLock. Unfortunately, the badges are located in different parts of the bottom of the screen and the SiteLock one behaves differently (it doesn't scroll with the page like the others do. What I would prefer is if the badge stayed where it is, and the other two badges came and nestled right beside, so all 3 badges are right there at the lower-left corner of any page that displays the footer, at the same height.

Here's the text from my footer layout config:

<h1 align="center">
<h2 style="background: #000; color: #fff; line-height: 1em; border: 2px solid #ff1159;"><font size="2" color="white" face="times new roman">
Contact us:
<a style="color: #FFFFFF" href="">Email:</a>
<a style="color: #FFFFFF" href="">Satisfaction Guaranteed</a>

<!-- (c) 2005, 2013. Authorize.Net is a registered trademark of CyberSource Corporation --> <div class="AuthorizeNetSeal"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">var ANS_customer_id="278e8155-970b-4614-bf7c-958b6bc1889c";</script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="//" ></script> <a href="" id="AuthorizeNetText" target="_blank">Merchant Services</a> </div>

<a href="*2cdb73e6a0e86d28a4168238f178e4472d06fdb8419a529e&lang=en-US" target="_blank"><img src="*2cdb73e6a0e86d28a4168238f178e4472d06fdb8419a529e" border="0"></a>

and it's interesting - the SiteLock badge is actually configured under my "header" settings, but it still shows up in the lower-right corner:

<div id="sitelock_shield_logo" class="fixed_btm" style="bottom:0;position:fixed;_position:absolute;right:0;"><a href="" onclick="'','SiteLock','width=600,height=600,left=160,top=170');return false;" ><img alt="malware removal and website security" title="SiteLock" src="//"/></a></div>

You can tell that all I did was copy and paste the badge info from their respective websites and plugged them in with no modifications, because I don't know what mods to make to get them to cluster together in the lower-left the way I want. I wish SS had a WYSIWYG type editor where I could slide those around visually on a preview of the homepage and it would code it for me, like how FrontPage or DreamWeaver does...

But in lieu of that I ask for the help of wiser, more experienced people than myself!

4.) Last thing - about my footer again - see where it says:
Contact us: Email:
Satisfaction Guaranteed

That displays nicely on FireFox - centered, the way I want it to be. But in IE 8 it looks crappy - it is left-justified and there are extra spaces in the footer... Any suggestions about how I can get it to display in IE the way it does in FF? If I enable "Compatibility Mode" in IE, it takes care of the extra spaces, but it's still left-justified instead of centered, like it should be...

Thanks a lot for all of tour help folks! This forum is my only hope since I can't call SS support on the phone and since iPage only has a limited knowledge about SS Pro.
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Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:42 pm

Re: Help with the home page of my store

Postby wmbaskets » Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:12 am

OK I solved #3 on my own by deleting div class tags from the HTML associated with the badges.

Can someone please help with 1, 2 and 4?
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:42 pm

Re: Help with the home page of my store

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:53 am

For the first question, I will need to talk to our web designer as I believe those links are built-in to ShopSite.

For the second question, instead of placing that image in the banner graphic field for your home page (Pages > Edit Page Content), insert the image into your text one field for that page (above the text you already have in there).

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

I am unable to recreate the issue listed in the fourth question. Which version of IE are you using? I am using IE 10.
ShopSite Nicole
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Location: Utah

Re: Help with the home page of my store

Postby wmbaskets » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:15 pm

Thanks - your advice for setting up a link with that picture worked (#2)

RE: #4, I'm using IE 8. That's not a big deal though - I can live with it.
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:42 pm

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