Can I create breadcrumbs and a splash page with shopsite?

General ShopSite user discussion

Can I create breadcrumbs and a splash page with shopsite?

Postby cacwoody » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:59 pm

Splash page:

I need a splash page as a disclaimer to my customers.
I just need to list a few lines of text that they must read before they enter my website.
I tried to figure out how to do it myself first, but I had no luck.


I would also like to implement breadcrumbs on my website.
As usual, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm still doing my best.

Thank you for your time. :) -Cody
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:14 pm

Re: Can I create breadcrumbs and a splash page with shopsite

Postby Jim » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:16 pm

For your initial page it would probably have a filename of index.html. You could just put the text you want to have the shoppers read on the initial page that is created when you go through the setup wizard. (Or by editing the page that has the filename of index.html in the backoffice Pages > Edit Page Info). You put your text and if you have an image or a group of images put them in the Text 1 field for the page. That info could also be put in the text 2 or text 3 fields depending on where the template you are using places the content. You would then add a link to the page that you want the shopper to go to next in one of the above text fields. There is nothing that will force the shopper to stay on the page and read the content as they could just click on the link to enter the store.

As for breadcrumb, some themes have them built in but others you would need to modify to include the code for the bread crumbs. There is a section in the Custom Template cookbook about breadcrumbs which you can see at Since ShopSite generates static html pages, not dynamic, the breadcrumbs won't necessarily contain the exact path the shopper went through to get to the page, but you can make it look quite similar to a dynamic breadcrumb. A better way to do the site is to use the Navigation feature which can put a menu on the Top, bottom and either or both sides of the pages. This way the shopper can easily get to any page in your site.
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