Bug in image resize?

General ShopSite user discussion

Bug in image resize?

Postby MgmtSpec » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:01 am

ShopSite® Pro 11 sp2 r5 - noticed images that have spaces in file name do not resize when you select to resize images. I know SS recommends not using spaces but I'm migrating a store with 4,000+ images - many have spaces in name - corresponds to SKUs which work fine with spaces. Maybe this should be posted in Enhancement Request? Just wanted to confirm if my observation was correct - noticed this in the "Search Results" page.
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Re: Bug in image resize?

Postby Jim » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:47 am

I tried creating a resized image from one I uploaded containing a space in the name, using ShopSite 11sp2 r5.3, and the resized images were created successfully. ShopSite warns you of images that have invalid character when they are uploaded through the backoffice so image names should be fixed at that point.

No url can have a space in it (see http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp) so this isn't specific to ShopSite. Since the image name will eventually be part of a url it is not a good practice to have a space in the name, even if your computer's operating system allows it. If you want to include spaces in the image name you need to replace them with the valid html encoding for a space, %20 or perhaps an _ or - etc. If you have a space in the image name the browser may not recognize the image, although some will automatically insert it for you, but it isn't a good practice.

SKU's are generally not part of the url so it doesn't matter if they have spaces in them.
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