checkout button disabled on shopping cart - workaround?

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checkout button disabled on shopping cart - workaround?

Postby rdayk » Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:14 pm

I'm new to ShopSite, have spent hours trying to find out how to enable the checkout page, to no avail. Any advice on how to make the checkout button function? Here's the store:

I've also tried using the OrderAnywhere linker. The cart works fine, I can add items, but clicking the Checkout button does nothing. I have tried changing the themes, deleting and recreating the store page, using a different browser, etc. The checkout was once working, but it no longer loads. Any advice for a workaround? I am using ShopSite manager. Nothing fancy is needed - but there has to be somewhere to enter the billing info, otherwise, it's pointless. Thanks.
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Re: checkout button disabled on shopping cart - workaround?

Postby rdayk » Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:59 pm

Well, I found it, mostly by trial and error. I had to go in and change Shipping Options to None (since the products are tickets - will-call, no shipping). For some reason that made the checkout screen appear again. So, disregard the above - it's fixed, but wish I had known that hours ago!
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Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:02 pm

Re: checkout button disabled on shopping cart - workaround?

Postby Jim » Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:19 pm

You have no "View Cart" button on your store page. You have also turned off the automatic display of the shopping cart when an item is added to the cart. So there is no way the shopper can ever complete an order.

You can create a "View Cart" button to put on the page by going to Merchandising > Order Anywhere and copy the html or url version of the code. The second part of the code will be the View Cart button part. Copy just that part and put it somewhere on the page.

To re-enable the functionality to automatically go to the shopping cart when you click add to cart go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart and there are 2 fields
Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox [ ] make sure this one is checked
Do not display the "Show me my shopping cart" check box [ ] make sure this one is not checked
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