need help getting xml automated database uploadrunning

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need help getting xml automated database uploadrunning

Postby FredW » Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:27 pm

Hi folks,

I'm trying to test using the xml automated database upload to run to update a field in our products database. I will admit I have limited experience and knowledge in this area, but
I have read all the help text and search this forum for help and still cant' get it to work.

I have down loaded the database in xml format and using it as a model created a simple test xml file to use by dbupload.cgi. I have uploaded this file using the back office UI and it worked fine.

I then tried to invoke dbupload.cgi via a web browser, with the parameters from the sdk program. However, I had to update two parameters to get it to find the program (the cgi and directory where the program is stored. When I run it, I get presented the Back Office UI, and the product is not updated.

Any help would be appreciated. I an provide more details on what I'm testing if you want.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: need help getting xml automated database uploadrunning

Postby Jim » Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:24 pm

What type of login are you using in your store backoffice? When you got to http://<>/start.cgi do you have two fields for entering the username and password (webserver authentication) or three fields, username, password, storeid (ShopSite authentication- User Accounts enabled)? If you have the 3 fields you must use the Oauth authentication method which requires more advanced programming than what is required with the webserver login method.
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Re: need help getting xml automated database uploadrunning

Postby FredW » Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:44 am

Hello Jim,

When we log into our demo site, we have three fields. So what is the "Oauth authentication method" and how do I learn how to do it?

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Re: need help getting xml automated database uploadrunning

Postby Jim » Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:45 am

Oauth authentication is a web standard for securely accessing a website through a program. We implemented this method to comply with the PCI certification standards that the credit card companies developed to make sure that shopper information is handled securely. It uses encrypted keys instead of just a user name and password to access data. If you do a google search for Oauth you will find more information on it including the specification, tutorials and usage in different programming languages.

You start by going to Utilites > Application and add a new application. It will ask for an application name, and what you want that application to have access to (Orders, customer, pages or products. It will then generate keys to be used when accessing the data from the store Without those keys nothing can be accessed programatically.

Help for the Orders download functionality is found at There are links on that page to a sample program and other information needed.
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