Google Feed Not Sending

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Google Feed Not Sending

Postby rexkat » Thu May 16, 2013 2:30 pm


I'm having an issue with my google feed. I send it using the 'Send Feed' button and it sends correctly, tells me that 14,084 products were sent to google, but then when I go to my merchant center and go to the data feeds area, the file isn't there. Usually it would be there and say it was processing, but there's nothing there. I have v11 sp2. Any ideas? Thanks
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Re: Google Feed Not Sending

Postby Jim » Thu May 16, 2013 2:34 pm

Are you using the FTP method of sending the file?
Do you have all of the required fields for all of your products configured?
If you try sending just a couple of products do they show up?
Have you checked your Google merchant center for any messages related to issues with your feed?
Is your version just 11sp2 or is there an r# after it like 11sp2 r4 or 11sp2 r5 etc. (Click on the ShopSite Icon in the backoffice navigation and the full version will be displayed in the footer of the page.
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Re: Google Feed Not Sending

Postby Jim » Thu May 16, 2013 2:42 pm

You may want to look at the Kbase for Google related issues that have been fixed in 11sp2
Go to and search for "11 sp2 google" without the quotes and the articles will be displayed for the 11 sp2 r# versions. You could then check and see if you have any of the mentioned issues.
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Re: Google Feed Not Sending

Postby rexkat » Thu May 16, 2013 2:48 pm

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the prompt reply. We are with Lexiconn, so we're always up to date. We're using 11 sp2 r5.1. I am sending up all of my items via FTP. The feed goes through fine on our end. I get the success message and everything. It's just not there at all on the merchant center side. I do have a feed up there already, but it is named something different and I need it to stay up there for the time being. Could this feed be causing a conflict? I am able to download our feed and upload it manually, but it only inserts 1600 of the 14,000 items. Oy.
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Re: Google Feed Not Sending

Postby loren_d_c » Thu May 16, 2013 2:53 pm

If you are sending your feed via FTP remember that you have to register the feed in Google Merchant Center first using the exact name of the file that is uploaded by ShopSite, or else Google just deletes the file that is uploaded.

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Re: Google Feed Not Sending

Postby rexkat » Thu May 16, 2013 3:28 pm

Aha! OK - that worked. It's still only registering 1600 items out of the 14,000. I'll have to take a look at the line at which it fails. May be a product with some data that breaks the xml. Thanks for your help!
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Re: Google Feed Not Sending

Postby rexkat » Thu May 16, 2013 4:10 pm

Found it! For some confounded reason, we had a url with an ampersand in it. Needless to say, it broke the xml feed. I changed it. Thanks again for your help.
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