by Jim » Tue May 14, 2013 7:11 pm
If you have access to Preferences > Hosting Services try changing the My Store url to the url you want the shopper to go back to.
On the Commerce Setup > Order System > Thank you screen there is a field "Information on the Thank You screen to return to storefront: " that may contain the code that is used on the thank you screen to return to the store.
On the Commerce Setup > Shopping Cart screen is a field "Return To Shopping Button:" which you might be able to modify to have the shopper to go to a different url than the page they ordered from. This would be helpful if you want them to go to a different url than the page they added the item to the cart from.
Note that these values may also just be hard coded in the template, which is not editable in a Starter store, so it may depend on the template you have selected if they can be changed or not.