Hi ShopSite folks,
This morning I encountered a problem with some of our products being formatted incorrectly on a page. I searched the this forum for like issues and could not find anything.
This page was correct until I made some changes to the page and to some of the products assigned to the page. When I published the page, the formatting error appeared. I did changed too many variables to know which change caused the error.
I can't show you the page in error for in an attempt to find out what caused the problem, I tried to recreate the change that caused the error. However, my efforts did show that the problem appears to be related to products with an shipping option and with a pull down menu. It appears size of the lengthy pulldown text affects the formatting of the item in the page. Having product graphics, or not, also affect the formatting.
You can find my test pages by going to: http://keithdemo.keithspecialty.com/FW-ss-error1.htm . The default product template is Multi-use-product.sst.
If there is anything else I can provide to you to help me resolve this, please let me know.