Can you query the product index number?

General ShopSite user discussion

Can you query the product index number?

Postby aisg » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:41 pm

When ShopSite adds products to the database, it is assigning it an index number. That number seems to be used in the naming of the default product page (eg. product604.html). Is there a way to query that number? I'd like to redirect all of the -.html files to other html files since I have not created any of them yet.

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Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:10 pm

Re: Can you query the product index number?

Postby Jim » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:19 pm

If you go to the backoffice Products screen and list all of the products and then view the html source of the page you will see something like
Code: Select all
<select id="recs" name="recs" size=20 multiple>
<option selected value="19">JAPANESE CUBES &amp; TRIANGLES</option>
<option  value="17">Vintage (Size 16°-24°) SEED Beads</option>

The value="##" will contain the product record number.

Or in basic editing mode you could select the list of pages section or list of products section and view the html and look for the numrec=## associated with each page or product.

If all you want to do is not display any product moreinfo pages or pages you could download the products and pages into a tabdelimted text file. Then open that file in Excel or another spreadsheet program and replace all of the Page Name fields with a single page name. UPload the file and now all of the products and pages will have the same name and you could just redirect that particular page name. Then once you are ready to make the site live just remove the File name value from the tabdelimted file and upload and publish and the pages will be created with the product##.html or page##.html. You could also put your own filename in the field so the pages will be more search engine friendly.
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Re: Can you query the product index number?

Postby aisg » Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:33 am


Has anyone ever told you that you are the man? Brilliant idea! I kick myself alot for not thinking of things like this myself. I sometimes tend on going about it the hard way.

Thanks a bunch!
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:10 pm

Re: Can you query the product index number?

Postby Jim » Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:34 am

Some times you just have to think outside the box. ;-)

Another way to set all the filenames to the same thing if you have a pro store, would be to select all pages (or products) click the Power Edit button, select the "File name" field and select the Global radio button and Proceed. Enter what ever File name you want and save changes and all pages or products would be changed to the same filename. When you want to change them back so ShopSite generates the filename based on the record number repeat the process only delete the file name so the field is blank.
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