Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

General ShopSite user discussion

Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby cslade » Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:14 am


First some back ground:

I am using Shopsite via Blue Domino
We are using Shopsite 11
As far as we can tell the Shopping Cart works fine with all browser except IE. We have test on both IE 9 and 10
I also think the shopping cart worked fine a couple of months ago since the site has been in use for several months and we just started getting complaints

We are getting the following error when the user tries to checkout.

Registration requires the use of cookies, please enable cookies in your browser and try again

The Browser is set to Medium privacy level which is the default.

As I go through the purchase process a cookie is created so I don't think the problem is actually the ability to create cookies it is something do with shopsite. Here is the contents of the cookie:

I honestly believe this problem is very severe since it makes it almost impossible for anyone to purchase from our store without digging into IE settings which most people won't do.
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Re: Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby Jim » Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:19 am

What has changed in the last few weeks? Have you upgraded ShopSite? Have you upgraded your browser? Have you changed firewall settings? Did you change the template your store is using?

If it was working and now is not working then it is something that has changed that is causing the problem. The ShopSite cgis are not self-modifying and they can't be edited by anyone. So if they were working and are not now then something else changed.
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Re: Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby cslade » Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:06 am

this happens across multiple sites and multiple computers running IE 9 and 10 so the issue is a general IE issue.

we are running shopsite pro 11.4
Blue Domino was not able to tell me if shopsite has been upgraded over the last couple of months
site wise nothing has changed

steps to reproduce
set ie 9 or 10 privacy settings to default
navigate to woodscreek.com
select quick pay from the menu at the top
add one of the items to your cart
select continue checkout button
the next page displays the error message
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Re: Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby cslade » Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:22 am

More information, I believe we were running shopsite pro 11.2 when the site was first deployed and we didn't see any issues coming from our customers.
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Re: Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby Jim » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:47 am

The version of you store is ShopSite 11sp2r4 not 11.4. That would have been the original version that your store was if it was installed after Sep 20, 2012. Your host does not usually upgrade stores but because of a major issue with PayPal that was fixed in Sept of last year they did upgrade many stores at that time. (or at least using the build we released at that time).

There have been a few patches and another release 11sp2r5 since that time but none of the fixes that I am aware of deal with IE 9 or IE 10 issues. The current version with all patches applied would display as 11sp2r5.1 in the footer of your backoffice screen when you click on the ShopSite logo at the top of the navbar.

It may have to do with patches that Microsoft has issued for IE 9 or 10.

I don't have IE so I can't test it on my computer but when I tried in Firefox I was redirected from the shopping cart to a registration screen where you have to enter a Username and password. Is that the screen that you are getting errors on? Do you get the error if you have cookies enabled in IE?
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Re: Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby cslade » Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:52 am

In IE I get the error when I select continue checkout button. in other browsers the next screen I would get is to login to my account or create an account. if I add bluedomino.com to the allow list in the privacy tab the I get the login screen and I am able to complete the transaction.

FWIW I just tried this same scenario in IE 8 on XP with the same result. The attempt to continue checkout ends with the exact same error "Registration requires the use of cookies, please enable cookies in your browser and try again"

IE version is 8.0.6001.18702
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Re: Unable to use Shopsite with IE 9 or 10

Postby Jim » Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:22 am

Have you tried a different template to see if that makes a difference?

We haven't had many complaints about IE 9 or 10 having problems with ShopSite generated pages and in cases where there have been issues we have made fixes. See if you can get your host to upgrade to the latest version of ShopSite, 11sp2 r5.1. The version will be listed in the footer of the start.cgi page that loads when you login to the store.

Also check if you are adding any javascript or css through text fields in the backoffice. It might be a small error in javascript or css that is causing the issue.
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