Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

General ShopSite user discussion

Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Zoe » Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:37 am

We have a Shopsite Pro 11sp2 r4 store hosted by iPage. This morning we tried to upload our product feed to the Google Merchant Center and received the following error code in our store: Bulk Submit Failure Error Code 7 Google Error encountered. We believe that this is an iPage hosting problem since Google advised earlier in the month new IP addresses for

Google also stated that these IP addresses should only be used to configure your firewall and not to establish direct connection to the server. To connect to the FTP server, please always use the hostname, as none of the specific IP addresses are guaranteed to be available at a given time. Google also furnished a list of IP addresses to be deprecated but that these should be in firewall settings until the migration was completed on March 31.

Can you tell us if Error Code 7 is a Shopsite, Host or Google problem? We have contacted iPage and furnished the complete IP information but they are telling us to contact Google. We believe iPage needs to adjust these settings since we do not have this type of technical background. Can you help us determine where we go to solve this problem.

Thank you so much for any information.
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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:51 am

ShopSite uses the domain name not the ip, so a change to an IP would not affect how ShopSite works.
I know that when PayPal made changes to the way they use IPs for their servers, it cause problems with some hosting companies that use their own internal DNS and firewall to block specific IP blocks.

Since Google sent out a message warning of possible problems and you started having the problems at the appointed time I would suspect that iPage has a problem accessing those new IPs.

I don't know where the error "Bulk Submit Failure Error Code 7 Google Error encountered" came from but it could be from ShopSite not being able to contact the Google server because of issues with your hosting company.
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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Zoe » Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:59 am

First, thank you Jim for your response. We, too, believe this to be a hosting problem, and we have never had a Google Code of this nature.

By the way, we love this forum and visit it regularly to learn from your responses to others.
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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby robm » Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:59 am


We had a ShopSite hosting client have this error last week. We had them reset their Google FTP password that's used at Google for where the feed is uploaded, and that fixed their issue.

Try resetting your Google FTP password in the Google Shopping admin panel, update the password to match in the backoffice, and try it again. You may have to wait an hour or so for Google's system to update the account password.

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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Zoe » Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:36 pm

Thanks so much for the information. We will give it a try and hope it works.

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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Zoe » Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:56 am

Just wanted to update the Forum on this problem that was reported to iPage on April 1. We were advised yesterday that our errors are from Shopsite. Level III tech advised Shopsite has been notified of the problem but has failed to respond to their request to fix the problem. Same tech advised that the bug report to Shopsite was entered April 2. In the interim we have lost access to retrieve our orders and on occasion been unable to access the store at all. These problems come and go. We are still unable to upload to Google even when we obtain store access.

Because of the different problems encountered, we did not attempt to change our Google password as Rob suggested. We still do not understand how this can be a Shopsite or a Google problem. If we have a Bulk Submit Failure and our products cannot leave the hosting site the problem to us lies with iPage, especially since this is our second encounter with this type of problem. Any input from this Forum would be appreciated.

Suggestions for knowledgeable Shopsite hosts by the Forum would also be appreciated.

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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Jim » Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:31 pm

There has been no report to the ShopSite support staff from iPage regarding this issue. I don't know who they would have reported it to but they have not reported it to the proper group if they reported it at all.

Losing access to your orders would have nothing to do with submitting a feed to Google. If you cannot access your store's backoffice that is strictly an iPage issue. The issue with not being able to submit the Google feed is probably a firewall issue on the iPage server.

As for other hosting companies with fewer problems, this subject has been brought up frequently see which lists some of the ones that are suggested as being more reliable.
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Re: Problem Submitting Feed to Google Merchant Center

Postby Zoe » Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:25 pm

Thank you, Jim, for your response. You have confirmed what we believe to be the problem. We understand the orders problem and firewall problem, but apparently our host'S technical support team does not. I thought it might be helpful to others who experience similar problems to have all this information.

Thank you for the link.

Great forum and always helpful!

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