Can't find where settings for Pagination are

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Can't find where settings for Pagination are

Postby aisg » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:15 am

I've been searching the help and the menus for this, but I cannot find the settings to save my life. I must have known at one point, but it is not obvious to me anymore.

I've set up some pages to include items and then limited the number of items to display on the page. The rest overflow onto additional pages and ShopSite puts generic Next and Previous links at the bottom of each page. Unfortunately all I get is a list of page number text links. Is there a setting that changes them to a Next and Previous button? I'm guessing it has to do with this [-- PrevNext --] or maybe [-- PAGE.PaginatedPageNum --], but don't know how to set their values.

Also where is the setting that tells ShopSite what to add to the end of the page name to denote the additional pages created.
For example, I created page.html, the ShopSite created page-ss1.html, page-ss2.html. I can't remember, but that ss# might be my creation, but I cannot remember how I set that if it was.

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Re: Can't find where settings for Pagination are

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:55 am

You set the number of products for each pagination page on Pages > Edit Page Layout > Pagingation section at the bottom of the screen.
On the Utilities > Publish > page there is a setting for the maximum number of pagination pages to generate. This is a safety valve for limiting the number of page that get generated in case you do something like assign all your product to a single page and then set the number of products to put on the page to 1. You may end up with hundreds of pages with a single product on them. This limits the possibility of that happening.

Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages is where the text for the Prev Next etc. are configured. The template itself may add styling for the way the links and related text display. There are typically styles associated that you could edit by changing the css file for the page. View the html of a page and you can see what styles are being used.

The pagination pages will always have the page_filename_ss# format there isn't a way to change that.
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Re: Can't find where settings for Pagination are

Postby elbekay » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:45 pm

I found out after searching for a long time that you have to have a pro account to use pagination. I didn't.
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Re: Can't find where settings for Pagination are

Postby aisg » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:19 pm

I found out the secret to changing the style of the pagination buttons when ShopSite makes multiple pages and put the text "1" and "2", etc at the bottom of the page. In a .css include file, create an entry for the currentpage and prevnext classes.

span.prevnext a, span.currentpage b{
background:url(<-- a URL to a .jpg or .png file that is blank where a number can be written in the center --> ) no-repeat center top;
padding:6px 17px;}

Regenerate and voila!
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:10 pm

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