I've been searching the help and the menus for this, but I cannot find the settings to save my life. I must have known at one point, but it is not obvious to me anymore.
I've set up some pages to include items and then limited the number of items to display on the page. The rest overflow onto additional pages and ShopSite puts generic Next and Previous links at the bottom of each page. Unfortunately all I get is a list of page number text links. Is there a setting that changes them to a Next and Previous button? I'm guessing it has to do with this [-- PrevNext --] or maybe [-- PAGE.PaginatedPageNum --], but don't know how to set their values.
Also where is the setting that tells ShopSite what to add to the end of the page name to denote the additional pages created.
For example, I created page.html, the ShopSite created page-ss1.html, page-ss2.html. I can't remember, but that ss# might be my creation, but I cannot remember how I set that if it was.