Database downloads

General ShopSite user discussion

Database downloads

Postby elbekay » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:37 pm

When I try to download the database I get this error: Unable to open temp file [/home/users/conf/b1159/] for writing. I also get a similar error when I try to upload a tabbed text file. I can't backup either. Anyone have any ideas?

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Re: Database downloads

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:12 pm

Your store doesn't have the correct permissions to create files in the stores data directory log subdirectory (or maybe it can't creat the log directory itself. The data directory and all directories in it need to be read and writeable by what ever user the webserver is running as. You will probably need to contact your host to get this issue resolved.
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Re: Database downloads

Postby elbekay » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:17 pm

Thanks! When I was using the demo site I had no problem downloading or uploading the DB. Will they notify me or will I have to keep trying it?
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Re: Database downloads

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:01 pm

Are you asking about one of ShopSite's demo stores or your own store? If it is your own store you will have to take the initiative and call your host. They rarely ever do anything without being ask to do it. If it is a ShopSite demo store that is having the problem what is the storeid so we can check into it.
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Re: Database downloads

Postby elbekay » Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:47 am

What I meant was that when I was first trying out ShopSite I didn't have any problems uploading or downloading the database files. That demo site expired BTW. I was wondering why there is a problem now that I have a paid store? I signed up both times through Netfirms. When I call them what exactly do I ask them to do? I'm new to all this. Thanks
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Re: Database downloads

Postby Jim » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:32 am

When you sign up for a demo store from most hosts you are directed to the ShopSite, Inc demo server, we have that configured to work properly.

You will need to contact Netfirms and ask them to check the permissions and ownership of files and directories under you stores data directory. They should have permissions so that the webserver user can read and write and create new files as needed. That would typically be 755 or 751 or 750 but may be different depending on how their servers are configured. The path to where the data directory is located can be found by going to Preferences > Hosting Services and looking for the Data Directory: field at the bottom of the screen.

Note that often the first level of support that you talk to doesn't have access to make this type of change so if you don't get it resolved by talking to them insist that they let you talk to some one who can make the change. (or ask to speak with their manager). If they are still unfamiliar with how to make the change let them know they can contact ShopSite's support team for assistance. They should have the contact info for making the contact with ShopSite.
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