How to implement a checkout option

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How to implement a checkout option

Postby aisg » Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 am

I have a few products that exists in 6 foot lengths. We give the customer an option to have it cut in half to save on shipping costs. We have a fee we charge for boxing material for either option. But out of the 15 products in this category they could get, we only charge the fee once. There is a different fee for 6ft and 3ft. I don't want to make them a different SKU number based upon length since it would mess with the inventory numbers. I see where I can add shipping/handling fees per product, but I don't want it added with each item. Is there a way to have it added only once? Is there any type of check box option I can add to the checkout page that is mandatory if any of the items are in the cart where they have to choose to cut or no cut?

Any ideas are welcome.
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Re: How to implement a checkout option

Postby Jim » Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:34 pm

It may seem like that is a simple task but it is really quite complicated. The only way to handle all of your conditions would be to create a custom shipping module.

Here is a suggestion for the cut versus whole issue.
For the cut option you could set up an order option (Products > Edit Product Info >Pull-down Menus ) for the product like this.
Cut or Whole;n

That way when the product is added to the cart they would have to select an option option, Cut or Whole, or they will not be able to checkout. The ;n on the first option is what forces the option to be selected before being able to check out. the ;+1.00 will add a dollar (or what ever your currency unit is) to the price when the option is selected.

There isn't any way that I am aware of to have a handling charge for a whole group of items that is only applied once.
There is a Surcharge option in Pro level stores (Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart >Surcharge text displayed to shopper
and Surcharge pull-down menus (optional): Which you could setup somewhat like the Order Options where it would force a selection of Special packing or not. It would not be automatic but at least the honest customers could select the option for special packaging for the long items and have that added to the cart total.
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