Order confirmation emails

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Order confirmation emails

Postby luciano991 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:50 pm


While testing our order process we noticed that the confirmation email that the customer received does not include a list of what he ordered, just the order # and transaction ID. How can I include the actual products ordered in the confirmation email. Also, shouldn't the email that goes to the store admin also contain the products ordered?


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Re: Order confirmation emails

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:54 pm

Are you sure the email you are looking at is the ShopSite-generated email, not one generated by your payment gateway? The ShopSite-generated emails should always contain the list of products, shipping, tax, etc.

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Re: Order confirmation emails

Postby luciano991 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:29 pm

Well, yes, the email that the admin got was from Authorize.net. But the email our "test customer" got looked it came from Shopsite. I included it below, unformatted of course, as it was in the email. So maybe I don't have my confirmation email configured correctly in ShopSite. Can you give me a few things to check?



Thank you for your order!
Order Information
Merchant: Morgan Hill Creamery, LLC
Description: ShopSite Order
Invoice Number: 10000-1362668434
Customer ID: barvan16@comcast.net

PO Number: 10000-1362668434
Billing Information
Barbara Van Vliet
Van Vliet Design
PO Box 193
Weston, VT 05161
United States
8028245682 Shipping Information
Barbara Van Vliet
Van Vliet Design
47 Old Tavern Rd.
Weston, VT 05161
United States
Shipping: US $27.39
Tax: US $0.00
Total: US $37.37

Date/Time: 7-Mar-2013 7:00:35 PST
Transaction ID: 5066434141
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:30 am

Re: Order confirmation emails

Postby luciano991 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:36 pm


So here's the other thing that occurred to me. The Payment Gateway is configured to Authorize only. So perhaps when the payment is captured then the customer gets an email with the order details?

Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:30 am

Re: Order confirmation emails

Postby robm » Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:58 am


That email is the one from Authorize.net. It is not the email receipt from ShopSite. You can turn off the Auth.net email either in your Auth.net control panel, or under "Configure Processor" in the payment section of the backoffice.

As far as the ShopSite email receipt is concerned, check to see if it's enabled under:
Merchandising -> Order API -> "Email receipts to buyer, merchant?" (checked)

and that your merchant email address is properly defined at:
Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Email

If your merchant email address is not set to an address at your domain, but rather an address at your ISP (like comcast, yahoo, gmail, etc...) it will likely be tagged as spam, as the email did not originate from the ISP. I'd recommend setting it to an address at your domain, and then you can forward that address to your ISP account if desired.

I'd also check your spam/junk folder for the ShopSite order receipt email if you did not get it.

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