FedEx Shipping

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FedEx Shipping

Postby luciano991 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:28 am


So, I have a site; and I have setup the following shipping configurations. In the Shipping section I have declared that shipping will be calculated by weight. Each product has been given a weight. The client has a FedEx account so I have configured that. I have checked the box to enable a handling fee of $15 plus the shipping. However when I go to check out, the handling charge is there but there seems to be a connection missing to FedEx as the shipping is not being calculated and added to the handling charge. I feel like I have missed something fundamental. Any ideas?


Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:30 am

Re: FedEx Shipping

Postby Jim » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:41 am

The only shipping option I see on your site when I placed the Ham Steak in the shopping cart is "Next Day:" of 15.00. The Next Day option would be coming from a ShopSite shipping option at the top of the Commerce Setup > Shipping screen. So either that shipping option has a price of 15.00 and the handling charge is not being applied or the price of the shipping is 0 and the shipping charge of 15.00 is being applied.

There is a FedEx shipping logo at the bottom of the screen so you do have FedEx checked on the Commerce Setup > Shipping screen.

So the things I would do to check what is happening are:
1 Check the "None" option in the ShopSite Shipping Rate Calculations section. (If you plan on shipping by FedEx you don't want that enabled.)
2 Check that all of your products have a weight and a FedEx container type defined (Products > Edit Product Info.)
3 Check that you have appropriate shipping methods checked on the FedEx configure screen (Commerce Setup > Shipping > FedEx >configure.
4 May sure that the FedEx shipping method is enabled on the Commerce Setup > Shipping screen.
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Re: FedEx Shipping

Postby luciano991 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:25 pm

Well you are a genius. The solution was #1 in your list; Check the "None" option in the ShopSite Shipping Rate Calculations section. And BTW, in the FedEx configuration the client did want a $15 handling fee added to the shipping charge. So I have verified that that is working as well. I don't suppose there's a way to display the handling fee as a separate line item. And I had wondered about selecting a package for each item so I had done that already. So thank you very much. I have always been very pleased with all levels of support I get from ShopSite including the Forum.

All the best,

Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:30 am

Re: FedEx Shipping

Postby Jim » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:06 pm

The handling charge will always be included with the shipping cost, there is no way to have a separate line item directly.

If you have a Pro level store you could probably add a surcharge and name it handling charge and make that the only surcharge, so it would be added to all orders. That would show as a separate line item in the order total section.
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Re: FedEx Shipping

Postby luciano991 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:22 pm

Thanks again for your reply. You have helped me tremendously.

All the best,

Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:30 am

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