Premature Updating

General ShopSite user discussion

Premature Updating

Postby gourmetdelights » Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:06 am

I track my incoming inventory via UPS and FedEx. The night before it is due to arrive I make the inventory changes on the website but I do NOT hit "Publish" until the boxes arrive. This saves me some work during the business day.

So I'm expecting shipments. I just made the necessary changes but the store is NOT published yet with these changes.

BUT someone was on the website, and just placed an order for one of those products. The invoice reflects the CHANGES, even though they are NOT PUBLISHED, and not the current store.

They bought Truffle & Salt which this URL shows is $20.95, is due on 15Feb2013, and the product name lists the words "Pre-order". That is what their invoice SHOULD show with a purchase right now.

HOWEVER their invoice shows the new price of $21.95 and the product name does NOT list Pre-order. This is a BIG PROBLEM.

Further, it updated the NEW unpublished inventory level and not the current inventory level which was zero. Basically selling something I do not have which they want shipped via FedEx overnight.

I don't intend to publish the website until I do have it physically in hand. But the website is selling things as if I have already hit "Publish", which I have not.
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Re: Premature Updating

Postby robm » Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:43 am

A publish only updates the web page that a product appears on. The actual values you enter for a product in the backoffice are instantly updated when you click save. When a product is added to the cart, ShopSite pulls the price and inventory from its database. It does not check the status of the publish button.

So, once you update a product and click save, those new values would be reflected when the item is added to the cart.

You could remove the add to cart button for items you do not have in stock, and then when you click publish, the add to cart button could return. This would prevent the above scenario, but also would not allow any pre-orders.

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Re: Premature Updating

Postby gourmetdelights » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:28 am

Thanks Rob. All good information.

It just confused me, and more importantly my customers, when they see $20.95 on the webpage which has not been updated/republished, but their shopping cart showed the new price of $21.95 when they checked out. And it let them buy something I cannot ship until tomorrow.

A lesson learned to be certain.
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