Please Note: We use the Order Anywhere Linker on our site. The site is HTML. We are not in a CMS. This is from my AdWords expert who is trying to set up tracking.....
[[[We have the Google Analytics code installed and activated. We are seeing sales transaction figures but not source(or some people call it medium) attribution. We are not receiving the data that is one of the most important elements which is where the sale originated from, ie. organic, ppc, facebook, etc.
All of your transactions are being recorded as (direct/none) which means the tracking is being lost somewhere and Google analytics cannot figure out where the transaction came from.
When set up correctly, we can see all sources (or mediums) that initiated the sale, keywords, etc, etc. Your current Google Analytics data just includes that sales number which is pretty much something you already know. ]]]
Does anyone know how to find this information or extra piece of code and where to put it? My site's host eCommerce Support is a bit of a challenge to work with.
Thank you,
Linda Clifford