Jim wrote:"Any thoughts?"
He has two bad credit cards!
You haven't given us enough info to go on.
What payment method do you have enabled?
What Payment gateway are you using?
What type of credit cards was he using? For example if he was using American Express and your account isn't setup for that type that would be a problem.
What errors did he receive? If you are using a Payment Gateway go to Commerce Setup > Payment Setup and in the Processor section click the Configure button. There should be an option "Display Error Details" check that and then when a card is rejected more information about the reason will be displayed instead of the generic "there was a problem with your payment" message. The codes in the error message are what is returned by the gateway itself so you will need to contact them or view their documentation to see what the problem is.
What type of credit card validation to you have enabled for your payment account? If you have address verification on and the billing address for the card doesn't match what the shopper put for the billing address the payment will be rejected.
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