Associate a product discount with a product (Order API)

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Associate a product discount with a product (Order API)

Postby vcuya » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:57 pm

My client would like to capture the discount amount through the Order API to pass to the fulfillment center. The issue we have encountered is that the discount amount is listed in the Order API as another line item, sans a product SKU or quantity, regardless if the discount is applied to the cart in total or to an individual product.

For example, the Order API line items are listed as:

B01..., SKU, Name, Price, Weight, etc
B02..., SKU, Name, Price, Weight, etc
B03..., SKU, Name, Price, Weight, etc
B04..., SKU, Name, Price, Weight, etc

In the case of a coupon for a particular product, we would like to have something like:
B01..., SKU, Name, Price, Weight, DISCOUNT COUPON, DISCOUNT AMOUNT, etc

If this possible? Thanks in advance
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Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:22 pm

Re: Associate a product discount with a product (Order API)

Postby Jim » Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:06 am

There is no way built in to apply the coupon on the same line item as the product to which it applies. Something unique about the coupon, name or code, is passed along with the coupon info though so perhaps if your coupon is specific to a particular product your order API code could match the coupon and the product that it applies to. This would have to be coded by you though since there isn't anything built in to handle that.
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