Creating Buyer Specials

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Creating Buyer Specials

Postby Paula » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:32 pm

Is there a way to do something like, "Buy 3 of this item, get the 4th one at 50% off"? The rewards section has the offer for a free item, but I am wondering if we can offer a percentage instead of it free.

Many thanks,
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Re: Creating Buyer Specials

Postby gourmetdelights » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:47 pm

You can use a pull down menu in the ordering options.

Go to your product page.
Go down to ordering options.
Pull down menus.
And you can set the price for the first one to be "list price". Your second menu option would be the cost of 3 at list price, plus the cost of the 4th at 50% off.

Assume they are $10 each. So if they buy for it would be $35 in total.

Pull down menu would look like this:
One bottle
Four Bottles ($35); -5.00
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Re: Creating Buyer Specials

Postby Paula » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:08 am

This is great. Many thanks. : )
Posts: 273
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Creating Buyer Specials

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:17 am

Using order options like this would not work.
Code: Select all
Pull down menu would look like this:
One bottle
Four Bottles ($35); -5.00
There is no way to force 4 Bottles to actually be purchased. A person could just select the Four Bottles option and get $5.00 off of the one bottle price, even though it says Four Bottles in the cart they would be paying half price for them.

If you want to use an order option to do this you will need to create the price for the Four Bottles to be 4 times the cost of a single bottle minus half of the single bottle price. This could be done by replacing the -5.00 with *3.5 that way when they select the Four Bottle option the price will be adjusting by multiplying the base price for the product (10.00 in this case) by 3 and 1/2 times so it would become 35.00.

There are 2 other ways that I can think of to offer a reduce price for buying more of an item.
The Quantity Pricing feature allows you to set a price for purchasing multiple of the same item. The merchant sets up the prices for different ranges of products, i.e. if 1 is purchase the price is x each, if 5 to 10 are purchased the price is y each, if 11 to 25 is purchased the price is z each. etc. The shopping cart price will be adjusted based on the number of products that the shopper puts in the shopping cart. This works well if you are just giving a discount based on the number of products but if you are giving a discount because it is cheaper to send some number in a case but adding another one would greatly increase the shipping cost so your costs are more you might not want to discount except on the full case level. If that is your situation the Option method may be better.
Another way to do this, if you have a Pro level store is to use the Quantity Pricing Group feature. This feature allows you to specify discount based on the quantity that a shopper buys but it can be applied across a similar group of products instead of just a single product. So for example if they buy 1 bottle of x and 2 bottles of y and 1 bottle of z , making a total of 4 bottles, the discount would be applied since they purchased 4 bottles of a select group that all qualify for the discount. If they purchase 4 bottles but only 3 were in a discounted group and the fourth wasn't then they would not get a discount on any of the items.

See the Quantity Pricing section and the Quantity Price Groups information on
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Re: Creating Buyer Specials

Postby Paula » Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:32 pm

Ok, thanks.
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