I compared the em_BasicLayout.sst in version 11sp1 and 11sp2.r4 and the change that was made was to the styles section.
In the 11sp1 template the style for the template were
- Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">
body, div, td {font-family: [-- IF STORE.Font --][-- STORE.Font --][-- ELSE --]arial, helvetica, sans-serif[-- END_IF --]; font-size: [-- IF STORE.FontSize --][-- STORE.FontSize --][-- ELSE --]10pt[-- END_IF --]; color: #[-- STORE.TextColor --];}
.pr_name, .pr_sku, .pr_price, input.add {display: block;}
input.add_text {border: 0px; background: #[-- STORE.LinkColor --]; color: #[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --];font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 6px 10px; clear: both;}
.pr_price {padding: 10px 0px;}
.pr_price strike {display: block; font-size: 80%;}
.pr_variable {line-height: 180%;}
.Bold, .bold {font-weight: bold;}
.Big, .big {font-size: 120%;}
.Small, .small {font-size: 80%;}
.Italic, .italic {font-style: italic;}
In the 11sp2r4 version the styles were changed to
- Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">
#ss_em_pr {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}
#ss_em_pr, #ss_em_pr td {font-family: [-- IF STORE.Font --][-- STORE.Font --][-- ELSE --]arial, helvetica, sans-serif[-- END_IF --]; font-size: [-- IF STORE.FontSize --][-- STORE.FontSize --][-- ELSE --]10pt[-- END_IF --]; color: #[-- STORE.TextColor --];}
#ss_em_pr .pr_name, #ss_em_pr .pr_sku, #ss_em_pr .pr_price, #ss_em_pr input.add {display: block;}
#ss_em_pr input.add_text {border: 0px; background: #[-- STORE.LinkColor --]; color: #[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --];font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 6px 10px; clear: both;}
#ss_em_pr .pr_price {padding: 10px 0px;} #ss_em_pr .pr_price strike {display: block; font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .pr_variable {line-height: 180%;}
#ss_em_pr .Bold, #ss_em_pr .bold {font-weight: bold;} #ss_em_pr .Big, #ss_em_pr .big {font-size: 120%;}
#ss_em_pr .Small, #ss_em_pr .small {font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .Italic, #ss_em_pr .italic {font-style: italic;}
However,since the # character at the beginning of a line in a ShopSite template makes the line a comment, all of the styles are essentially commented out so no styling is applied anywhere on the page.
This problem was noticed in our testing and will be fixed in an upcoming release but you can fix it in your store by doing the following.
Make a copy of the em_BasicLayout.sst (under Merchandising > Custom Templates > Products > Copy ShopSite template) select the em_BasicLayout.sst template from the list and give it the name em_BasicLayout.sst-1 and click the Copy button. Next select the template, em_BasicLayout.sst-1, from the Product Template list and click Edit Template. Now in the edit window add a space in front of the lines in the style section that start with a # character so it looks like this.
- Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">
#ss_em_pr {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}
#ss_em_pr, #ss_em_pr td {font-family: [-- IF STORE.Font --][-- STORE.Font --][-- ELSE --]arial, helvetica, sans-serif[-- END_IF --]; font-size: [-- IF STORE.FontSize --][-- STORE.FontSize --][-- ELSE --]10pt[-- END_IF --]; color: #[-- STORE.TextColor --];}
#ss_em_pr .pr_name, #ss_em_pr .pr_sku, #ss_em_pr .pr_price, #ss_em_pr input.add {display: block;}
#ss_em_pr input.add_text {border: 0px; background: #[-- STORE.LinkColor --]; color: #[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --];font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 6px 10px; clear: both;}
#ss_em_pr .pr_price {padding: 10px 0px;} #ss_em_pr .pr_price strike {display: block; font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .pr_variable {line-height: 180%;}
#ss_em_pr .Bold, #ss_em_pr .bold {font-weight: bold;} #ss_em_pr .Big, #ss_em_pr .big {font-size: 120%;}
#ss_em_pr .Small, #ss_em_pr .small {font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .Italic, #ss_em_pr .italic {font-style: italic;}
Click the Save Changes button. Next select the template name from the list again and click the Copy Template button and in the File Name of the new copy field put em_BasicLayout.sst and click the Copy button. That will cause this modified template to be used instead of the ShopSite version of the file.
So now when you reload your product pages you will see the styles applied.