Recent Update Lost Formatting

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Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:23 am

I was prompted to update to sp2 this morning and the upgrade broke the formatting for my products. Here is one of my pages with the product box...

Before the update, the text looked nice and organized, now it's all jumbled together. The "Special Offer - Two 8x10's matted" should be on the top line, then the description underneath on a new line, then the price below that on a new line. I tried changing the template for the product but it looks like that just changes it on the store/checkout page.
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:26 am

I also just noticed, if I add the product to the cart, then click back, the cart page is now being displayed in the product box/frame instead of the product, even after refreshing the page.
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby Jim » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:40 am

The continue shopping button from the cart returns to the url that the product was ordered from. In this case since your main page is using a frame and the product is in the frame, which is considered a separate html page, the referring url is the iframe and not the main page.

Are you using Order Anywhere links on your pages for the products, or are the pages being generated by ShopSite?
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:48 am

I'm using the Order Anywhere links. Here is the one for that page...

Code: Select all
<iframe src="*14894f2aaae040c61cf41687&guid=70768d56-5b2d-11e2-a027-0030486797fc&from=embed&template=em_BasicLayout.sst" height=250 width=361 frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby Jim » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:27 am

To change the layout of a product using the Order Anywhere embed feature you will either need to create a new Order Anywhere link and on that screen change the template (Merchandising > Order Anywhere > Show Code> Show Embed), or you can edit the Order Anywhere code and replace the template name included in it.
Code: Select all
<iframe src="*14894f2aaae040c61cf41687&guid=70768d56-5b2d-11e2-a027-0030486797fc&from=embed&template=em_BasicLayout.sst" height=250 width=361 frameborder="0"></iframe>

So you would change the em_BasicLayout.sst in the above code to the template you want to use. ShopSite provides two templates em_BasicLayout.sst and em_AdvancedLayout.sst but you can create your own using those as and example. If you create your own it would be a good idea to prefix the template name with em_ so that you know that it is for use with Order Anywhere and not just for regular products on ShopSite generated pages.
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:50 am

To make sure I understand correctly, upgrading to sp2 changed the em_BasicLayout that was working fine for months and now I have to build my own?
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:53 am

Or maybe we're seeing two different things... I am seeing this...

Newsletter Special Offer - Any 22x28 Please type the title of the art piece(s) in the box below. Include gift certificate number if applicable. Price: $180.00

Before I upgraded to sp2, it looked more like this.

Newsletter Special Offer - Any 22x28
Please type the title of the art piece(s) in the box below. Include gift certificate number if applicable.
Price: $180.00
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby Jim » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:18 am

I compared the em_BasicLayout.sst in version 11sp1 and 11sp2.r4 and the change that was made was to the styles section.
In the 11sp1 template the style for the template were

Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">
body, div, td {font-family: [-- IF STORE.Font --][-- STORE.Font --][-- ELSE --]arial, helvetica, sans-serif[-- END_IF --]; font-size: [-- IF STORE.FontSize --][-- STORE.FontSize --][-- ELSE --]10pt[-- END_IF --]; color: #[-- STORE.TextColor --];}
.pr_name, .pr_sku, .pr_price, input.add {display: block;}
input.add_text {border: 0px; background: #[-- STORE.LinkColor --]; color: #[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --];font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 6px 10px; clear: both;}
.pr_price {padding: 10px 0px;}
.pr_price strike {display: block; font-size: 80%;}
.pr_variable {line-height: 180%;}
.Bold, .bold {font-weight: bold;}
.Big, .big {font-size: 120%;}
.Small, .small {font-size: 80%;}
.Italic, .italic {font-style: italic;}

In the 11sp2r4 version the styles were changed to
Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">
#ss_em_pr {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}
#ss_em_pr, #ss_em_pr td {font-family: [-- IF STORE.Font --][-- STORE.Font --][-- ELSE --]arial, helvetica, sans-serif[-- END_IF --]; font-size: [-- IF STORE.FontSize --][-- STORE.FontSize --][-- ELSE --]10pt[-- END_IF --]; color: #[-- STORE.TextColor --];}
#ss_em_pr .pr_name, #ss_em_pr .pr_sku, #ss_em_pr .pr_price, #ss_em_pr input.add {display: block;}
#ss_em_pr input.add_text {border: 0px; background: #[-- STORE.LinkColor --]; color: #[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --];font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 6px 10px; clear: both;}
#ss_em_pr .pr_price {padding: 10px 0px;} #ss_em_pr .pr_price strike {display: block; font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .pr_variable {line-height: 180%;}
#ss_em_pr .Bold, #ss_em_pr .bold {font-weight: bold;} #ss_em_pr .Big, #ss_em_pr .big {font-size: 120%;}
#ss_em_pr .Small, #ss_em_pr .small {font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .Italic, #ss_em_pr .italic {font-style: italic;}

However,since the # character at the beginning of a line in a ShopSite template makes the line a comment, all of the styles are essentially commented out so no styling is applied anywhere on the page.

This problem was noticed in our testing and will be fixed in an upcoming release but you can fix it in your store by doing the following.
Make a copy of the em_BasicLayout.sst (under Merchandising > Custom Templates > Products > Copy ShopSite template) select the em_BasicLayout.sst template from the list and give it the name em_BasicLayout.sst-1 and click the Copy button. Next select the template, em_BasicLayout.sst-1, from the Product Template list and click Edit Template. Now in the edit window add a space in front of the lines in the style section that start with a # character so it looks like this.
Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">
 #ss_em_pr {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}
 #ss_em_pr, #ss_em_pr td {font-family: [-- IF STORE.Font --][-- STORE.Font --][-- ELSE --]arial, helvetica, sans-serif[-- END_IF --]; font-size: [-- IF STORE.FontSize --][-- STORE.FontSize --][-- ELSE --]10pt[-- END_IF --]; color: #[-- STORE.TextColor --];}
 #ss_em_pr .pr_name, #ss_em_pr .pr_sku, #ss_em_pr .pr_price, #ss_em_pr input.add {display: block;}
 #ss_em_pr input.add_text {border: 0px; background: #[-- STORE.LinkColor --]; color: #[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --];font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 6px 10px; clear: both;}
 #ss_em_pr .pr_price {padding: 10px 0px;} #ss_em_pr .pr_price strike {display: block; font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .pr_variable {line-height: 180%;}
 #ss_em_pr .Bold, #ss_em_pr .bold {font-weight: bold;} #ss_em_pr .Big, #ss_em_pr .big {font-size: 120%;}
 #ss_em_pr .Small, #ss_em_pr .small {font-size: 80%;} #ss_em_pr .Italic, #ss_em_pr .italic {font-style: italic;}
Click the Save Changes button. Next select the template name from the list again and click the Copy Template button and in the File Name of the new copy field put em_BasicLayout.sst and click the Copy button. That will cause this modified template to be used instead of the ShopSite version of the file.

So now when you reload your product pages you will see the styles applied.
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:53 am

I don't have a Custom Templates under Merchandising. I have:

Order Anywhere
List All Products

+Social Media

Merchandising Services

Search Engines
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby Jim » Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:29 am

Then you must have a Starter store, which does not have the ability to edit, create templates. Your options limited then but here are a few: 1. ask your host to make the change for you, 2. If you have ftp or shell access to the sc/templates directory you could modify the ShopSite version of the file. 3. Upgrade to the Manager level of ShopSite which does have the ability to edit templates.

Where is your store hosted? Some hosts give each store its own install of ShopSite, in which case you probably have access to edit the file on the server, Other hosts have multiple stores using one set of cgi and thus templates and it would be highly unlikely that you would get access to that area of the install files.
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby therschbach » Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:16 am

I use and I do have ftp access to the shop/sc folder. It only contains two files though... and
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Re: Recent Update Lost Formatting

Postby Jim » Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:23 am

Those two files are "hidden" files because the begin with a . (dot) but there should be a lot more files and directories in the directory that than. It may be that the ftp user does not have permissions to see any other files in the directory.
I'll send you a PM with some info on how we can help you get this resolved.
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