Exporting Reports

General ShopSite user discussion

Exporting Reports

Postby Paula » Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:33 pm

I seem to be having difficulty downloading my Shopsite reports to my computer. I tried doing it the following two ways:

When I go to *Database Download* and choose *Reports* then Download, I am presented with a page that reads (nil) at the top. When I click *Download data to your browser (Client)* then assign it a name that I assign on my own, then Proceed, it shows an error page/not found.

When I go to Export Store then press Download, it brings up a Reports Box. When I try to Extract Files from this file, it says the file is empty.

Can you please help?
Posts: 273
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Exporting Reports

Postby Jim » Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:15 am

What version of ShopSite is your store using?

What type of reports are enabled in your store? There was an older style reports upto about version 11 that could not be downloaded since they were webserver logs. Those reports dealt mainly with hits, number of orders and total sales and were not the ones that could be graphed in the backoffice. The newer reports don't have the webserver type data but are more for sales, products, customers etc. This is the only type that could be moved if a store is moved to a different location.

What browser are you using while downloading? What Operating system is you desktop computer, Windows, Mac, Linux?

Are you planning on moving the store? If not there is probably little reason to download the reports since you would have no way of analysing the data outside of the ShopSite backoffice.
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Re: Exporting Reports

Postby Paula » Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:52 am

I have ShopSite® Pro 11 sp2 r4.

I am very pleased with Shopsite and have no intention of moving. I need the reports for doing taxes. It looks like I have all the reports - sales, product, merchandising, etc.

After more tinkering, I found what I needed. Don't need to move to Excel after all. This is just how I've done things in the past with my other cart - but this is much better.

Posts: 273
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:35 pm

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