Very complex shipping to country issue

General ShopSite user discussion

Very complex shipping to country issue

Postby chico » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:51 am

Hi all. I have been cobbling together a store that is located in Canada. They are selling furs and hides. Some aren't available to be sold to the USA, and many have special requirements built in for added shipping costs to EU countries. We have already built in javascript to turn off the checkout button if certain products are loaded and the destination is the US. What I am looking for now, is there a way to have typical shopping with Paypal and credit card processing for Canadian orders, but order processing changes outside Canada?

1)add a wolf fur to the cart from Canada, shipping is calculated and order is processed using Checkout or Paypal.
2) add a wolf to the cart from EU, but order becomes COD and is processed manually for shipping taxes and permits.

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Re: Very complex shipping to country issue

Postby Jim » Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:36 am

There is no built in way to handle such situations where both the shipping and payment method depend on where the order is going.

There is no way to offer different a payment method based on where an item is being shipped . If a payment method is enabled it will be available for all shoppers.

There is the ability to write a custom shipping add-on script that could handle your different shipping scenarios, it would be configured under ShopSite > Commerce Setup > Shipping > Custom Shipping Add-on. See for the documentation.

It might also be possible to create some javascript that checked the country destination and based on that value not allow the shopper to checkout using one of the particular payment methods. Sample code to do similar things has been posted to the forum before and Lexiconn has some sample code in their Kbase. So search the forum for Lexiconn script and it will probably bring up links to their site.
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