.Processing file locked - can't access orders

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.Processing file locked - can't access orders

Postby NorCalBrewing » Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:54 pm

We are running ShopSite version 11.2 hosted by iPower.com

Earlier this month we could not access our orders, with a message stating the .Processing file was locked.

Our host is iPower. They could not figure out the problem and went ahead and restored our entire ShopSite database. Not only did we lose any recently added products, pictures, etc., we ALSO LOST SEVERAL ORDERS!

Now it is happening again, and iPower can't seem to get their hands around the issue!

Here is the exact message being displayed:


Unable to lock orders files. This could be because another user (or process) is currently accessing them. Wait at least one minute, then try again.

If you have clicked the Try Again button but always get this error message when you go to the New Orders screen and attempt to view, download, or remove an order, you may need to force the removal of the lock. Wait several minutes and make sure no other co-worker (or process) is currently accessing orders. Check the time (see below) when the process created the lock and make sure it is at least 10 minutes older than the current server time. If it is not at least 10 minutes older press the Try Again button above.

Information on process holding the lock

Process 25368 seems to have acquired the lock Wed Nov 28 14:06:09 2012

(Current time: Wed Nov 28 14:49:22 2012 )

Warning:only remove a lock if you are sure no other user is accessing orders and enough time has elapsed from a previous lock.

If forcing the removal of the lock does not solve the problem have your web master or administrator check the file permission on the .processing file in the ShopSite data directory.

Note: Even with a locked orders database shoppers can still place orders.


Anyone have a fix for this?

Do other people have as many issues with iPower as we do??? What other host has a better clue than iPower when it comes to ShopSite???
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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:36 pm

Re: .Processing file locked - can't access orders

Postby Jim » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:19 pm

You should not have lost any order if the restore was done correctly. There are directory IP and MoreIP in the data directory that contain the order information. The files typically have the format iorder####.new when an order has been place and it changes to iorder###.done once you have retrieved the order into the backoffice. If an old database was restored any order that is not in that database but for which there is an iorder###.done file can be retrieved by renaming the file to iorder###.new and going to the Orders section of the backoffice. Note that by default iorder####.done files are only kept for a week from when they were created so you have to act fairly quickly to be able to do this. (of course if there are frequent backups of the server you might be able to go back farther by getting the files from an older backup.

The .processing error should rarely occur. Make sure that you don't have multiple people in the backoffice of your store trying to retrieve orders. If two people were in the backoffice and both tried to retrieve orders the .processing error could occur.

Do a search in the forum for "best shopsite host" and you should get lots of hits with suggestions.

See my PM to you.
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Re: .Processing file locked - can't access orders

Postby NorCalBrewing » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:04 pm

Thanks for the post, Jim. Way different process than what iPower told me they had done to fix the problem :(

We have used ShopSite for 2 years through iPower and only in the last 30 days are we experiencing any issues. Of course we now have more products, more pages, and more employees accessing ShopSite so it is to be expected that we would have the issues cropping up now and not before.

I see that ShopSite links to QuickBooks. We use QuickBooks POS in our business, which is an entirely different product. I would be interested in speaking with you about ShopSite or 3rd party solutions that would tie ShopSite into QuickBooks POS. Ultimately a solution that would incorporate eBay, ShopSite, QuickBooks POS, PayPal, and USPS shipping/tracking solution would be awsome! Anything come to mind?
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Re: .Processing file locked - can't access orders

Postby Jim » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:15 pm

We have an app, Order Transfer, that will tie to Quickbooks but not the POS. see http://www.shopsite.com/qborder_transfer.html
At one time we had direct integration to upload products directly from ShopSite to Ebay but they kept changing their interface so quickly it was not possible to keep the integration up to date. So we stepped back an now allow the download of the products in eBay® Turbo Lister file format. (Utilities > Database > Download > Products )
We currently offer 4 different PayPal payment methods. USPS and other real-time shipping tracking would be nice and will be worked on but I'm not sure how soon they will be implemented.

I haven't checked out all of the available 3 party add-ons to see what all is available but you could check on http://www.shopsite.com/partners-tools.html and see if there is any thing that would be of interest to you. Some of the modules are only available if you use the developers hosting but others can be used anywhere

You can contact the ShopSite sales, who are responsible for custom work, using the information on http://www.shopsite.com/help/contact/info.html
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Re: .Processing file locked - can't access orders

Postby thesupermanager » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:28 pm

NorCalBrewing wrote:I see that ShopSite links to QuickBooks. We use QuickBooks POS in our business, which is an entirely different product. I would be interested in speaking with you about ShopSite or 3rd party solutions that would tie ShopSite into QuickBooks POS. Ultimately a solution that would incorporate eBay, ShopSite, QuickBooks POS, PayPal, and USPS shipping/tracking solution would be awsome! Anything come to mind?

SuperManager will download your ShopSite orders and export them to QuickBooks POS. We offer a free 30-day trial so you can try before you buy.
Start your free 30-day trial of The SuperManager Order Manager today at http://www.thesupermanager.com/
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