What do you mean by "I have made change in shopsite file"? Did you make changes in the ShopSite backoffice or did you make changes by editing an html file?
If you made changes in the backoffice you can select the Page from the Pages screen and then click the Edit Page Content button. (Note: If your store is not in the Advance Editing mode, when you click on the Pages button you will see a button "Advance Editing" at the bottom of the screen . Click that to enter Advanced Editing mode so you will see all available fields for the Pages and Products.) Look at the File Name field in the Advanced Info section. That field will contain the name of the html file that it represents, if you filled in the field, If the field is blank then the page will be named pageXX.html where the XX will be the page record number. The best thing to do is to give each page a specific file name, that will make it easier to find as well as be better for search engine indexing.
If you want to find out what the page record number is the easiest way is to go to the Pages screen, when in advanced editing mode, and view the source of the page. There will be a section that looks something like
- Code: Select all
<select id="recs" name="recs" size=20 multiple>
<option selected value="45">!!!!TEST 2 CROSS SCRIPT</option>
<option value="44">!!!test</option>
<option value="42">!granite</option>
<option value="43">!iframe-product-list</option>
<option value="6">About Us</option>
<option value="13">Arachne 2003 Bobbins</option>
<option value="14">Arachne 2003 Commemorative Bobbins</option>
<option value="12">Arachne images</option>
<option value="37">Beehive Lacers</option>
<option value="3">BeeUtahful Bobbins</option>
just look for the name of your page and the record number will be what is in the value="xx" section, so in this case the page About Us would be named "page6.html".
Also make sure that you published you store after the changes were made or they will not be displayed. You can publish by clicking on the Publish tab that pops up or by going to Utilities > Publish and click the Regenerate button. Make sure that you assign the page to another page such as the index.html page so that a link to the page will be included on your website.