I ran the wwwinstall.cgi script and it ran for quite a bit and the hung up on the database update. This is on a shared Linux hosting site.
I am upgrading from ShopSite 11 to 11Sp2R4. The system log says:
Timeout waiting for output from CGI script /home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/cgi-bin/ssinstall11sp2/wwwinstall.cgi
ap_content_length_filter: apr_bucket_read() failed
Updating html directory for store "your store"
HTML Path = /home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/html
Installing file [media] from [html] in [/home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/html]...
/bin/tar -xf /home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/cgi-bin/ssinstall11sp2/html.tar media
Updating data directory for store "your store"
Data Path = /home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/shopsite-data
Installing file [shopsite_db.default] from [data] in [/home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/shopsite-data]...
/bin/tar -xf /home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/cgi-bin/ssinstall11sp2/data.tar shopsite_db.default
Installing file [upgrade_cr.dat] from [data] in [/home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/shopsite-data]...
/bin/tar -xf /home/cluster1/data/g/j/a9/cgi-bin/ssinstall11sp2/data.tar upgrade_cr.dat
updating database [shopsite_db]...
Update not needed for [shopsite_db]
updating orders database...
updating products database...
updating Quantity Pricing...