You can change the shopper help URL to go to a page on your own server
if you want, the setting for this is located on the Commerce Setup ->
Payment screen. Feel free to copy the images and text from the current
page on the server to your own if you like.
Brandon Eley wrote:
On our site there is a text link called "CVV2 Help" that links to pictures
of the numbers on cards... although I don't like it being hosted on
ShopSite's server...
Brandon Eley
Creative Drive & CDHost
"Chris Gilbert" <> wrote in message
Lauren and gang,
You guys should jump on the bandwagon and like most other commerce
systems/sites have that gratuitous fake image of a credit card
displaying what and where the CCV2 numbers are. That way when a
shopsite store owner needs to use this feature, they don't lose sales
because people don't have a clue what that value is for in the credit
card info part of the checkout form.
Just a thought!
Kind Regards, Chris Gilbert