by Peter Gregg » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:06 pm
Okay - it works again - YES!!!!
So what worked??
I haven't gotten an order from Paypal since Oct 18th and today is Nov 5. Tonight I got an order.
The simple answer is I put in the slash in the paypal.aa file, updated to the newest version, and turned on the IPN notification ("Instant Payment Notification"), added the return URL.
The problem seems to have been a "perfect storm" type of thing where a number of things converged at the same time. I got an email from Paypal that revealed something I did not know. From the Paypal email from the guy helping me:
"10/18 – 3 transactions generated a 500 response from his server." This automatically turned off the IPN, so while I was waiting for the thing to get fixed, the notification was turned off by the Paypal computers so it would never start working again until I went in and corrected something I didn't know was wrong.
I didn't remember what the return URL was but the Paypal tech had what the last URL I had in there was. I pasted it back in.
So for the first time in a couple of weeks I finally got an order like I have been getting for years.