Is there a wordpress page can query or connect to shopsite and grab the products per category? and maybe get the return result in xml or anything that can be manageable?
I hope you guys can help me either way thanks!

You should be able to to select multiple products from the list and add them all at once. ShopSite does not have "categories" as such, just pages and products. that way you are not limited to having a product in a single "category", any product can be assigned to any page and similarly any page can be assigned to any other page.Once installed and configured, you can add products to your WordPress pages by clicking the SS icon on the WordPress toolbar. Clicking the icon brings up a menu where containing all of the products created for your ShopSite store.
[product id=02f2d9c6-671b-11e1-824b-0050bad33cec ]Product Name[/product]
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