Wordpress products querying or connection

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Wordpress products querying or connection

Postby drix » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:49 pm


Is there a wordpress page can query or connect to shopsite and grab the products per category? and maybe get the return result in xml or anything that can be manageable?

I hope you guys can help me either way thanks! :D

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Re: Wordpress products querying or connection

Postby Jim » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:22 pm

A Wordpress plugin was created for ShopSite 11sp2. You can read the documentation at
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Re: Wordpress products querying or connection

Postby drix » Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:25 pm

I believe we've already tried this, please correct me If I'm wrong, this feature or plugin can only retrieve per items/product, NOT per categories and will NOT give us control of the output(is this something we should modify ourselves?)?
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Re: Wordpress products querying or connection

Postby Jim » Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:28 am

The last paragraph in the help says:
Once installed and configured, you can add products to your WordPress pages by clicking the SS icon on the WordPress toolbar. Clicking the icon brings up a menu where containing all of the products created for your ShopSite store.
You should be able to to select multiple products from the list and add them all at once. ShopSite does not have "categories" as such, just pages and products. that way you are not limited to having a product in a single "category", any product can be assigned to any page and similarly any page can be assigned to any other page.

The layout of the products on your Wordpress page is defined by the template that you choose in your ShopSite back office under Merchandising > Social Media > Wordpress. The default template is em_BasicLayout.sst, but ShopSite also provides a em_AdvancedLayout.sst. Try both of those and see how they look. If you need something different you can create your own template or modify one of those to fit your needs.
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Re: Wordpress products querying or connection

Postby Jim » Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:48 am

I was mistaken on being able to select multiple products at once, but it does leave the selection box open so you can click on one product and add to WP, then Click on another product and add to WP etc to add multiples from a single search. It would also be possible to create multiple listings using a text editor and just paste the code into the WP post. A Single product will look like
Code: Select all
[product id=02f2d9c6-671b-11e1-824b-0050bad33cec ]Product Name[/product]
so to add a second one you could just copy that code, replace the product Id value and Product Name with the appropriate value for each product you want to list.

I also tried an experiment using subproducts that allowed me to list a number of products at once by making the products subproducts of a parent item. I created a product "Christmas items" and then assigned several christmas type items to it as subproducts. I then created a new template where the subproducts were each displayed in an individual table and included name, description, price, add to cart button etc.. I then added the "Christmas Items" product to my WP post and previewed the result. I got a nice looking display of all of the products that I had assigned to the "Christmas Items" product listed in the post with an add to cart button for each. So that might be an option you could look at.

Note: in the default em_BasicLayout.sst and em_AdvancedLayout.sst the [-- LOOP Subproducts --] section overrides the subproduct template to be the em_BasicLayout.sst or em_AdvancedLayout.sst, depending on what the main product template is. I needed to remove that hardcoded template name since I wanted to use the the subproduct section that I defined and not the one in the default template.
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Re: Wordpress products querying or connection

Postby Frank » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:47 pm

Is there a way to invoke the 'more info' page for a product that has been posted onto Word Press using the short code or other method?
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