Product Image Alignment

General ShopSite user discussion

Product Image Alignment

Postby JCat » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:18 pm

I don't know if this should be in the custom templates section, or something that I can easily change with one of the page/product options:

I've been using the sleek template and was wondering if I can get the images to the left, but have the price/add to cart/product description to the far right. Basically, the exact opposite of what I have now. If you send the image left, it puts the product price, product description and and add to cart buttons immediately to the right of it, instead of the far right which would be a lot cleaner.

What I have now:

Something like I'm trying to acheive::,136-4f-ffff2418

I'd like to keep the sleek template while doing so. Thanks
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Re: Product Image Alignment

Postby Jim » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:30 pm

Setting the product's Image Alignment: to "Left" on the Products > Edit Product Layout sreen and republishing should move the image to the left of the text and add to cart button. (at least it does in the default sleek product template).

However, if you want every thing to the left except the price and add to cart as it is on the store you are trying to duplicate then you would need to modify the template you are using for the products. This would probably require the use of a Table inside the product layout with a <td> for the image and text on the left and a <td> for the other info on the right side.
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Re: Product Image Alignment

Postby JCat » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:29 pm

Thanks for your reply.

It's definitely a limit of this template; I switched my product lists to Cross-Sell, and the product layout I preferred works great. The only drawback is the table width, which is a bit too narrow; the side borders are huge. I can't seem to find anywhere to make it wider... I'm still learning the script, so hopefully it's me, and not a limit to THIS template now.
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Re: Product Image Alignment

Postby Jim » Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:28 pm

The designer of the theme determines what looks good to them as a general layout. In this case they have hard coded the width values and are not using a setting from the backoffice. So without finding all the places in the templates where the width value is specified it would be pretty hard to change that particular feature.

I tried changing the body width in two different files, CrossSell-Sky.css and CrossSell-Sky-page and it made other feature on the page look out of proportion. Without knowing all the places that the designer is relying on certain widths it is hard to know what all would need to be changed.

If you go to there is a description of the built in themes. Clicking on one of the images takes you to a page that gives specific details about the theme such as templates used, special fields used and other helpful info. You might check there and see if there is a product template that more nearly matches what you are trying to accomplish.

Often if you have a specific requirement for a layout, it is easier to just create a template for that layout than to try and fix some other template to work the way you want.
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