XSLT for Products Table - OpenOffice Calc

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XSLT for Products Table - OpenOffice Calc

Postby Bsummerlin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:42 am

Would anyone by chance have setup xslt templates for importing and exporting the 11.2 products table in xml format to and from Open Office Calc?

I'm having a REALLY fun time with this one. Just wanted to see if someone else has had as much fun as I have trying this.

I'm having trouble with the tab delimited file so I thought I'd give the xml a shot. So far, not much luck.

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Re: XSLT for Products Table - OpenOffice Calc

Postby Jim » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:48 am

I open the tab delimited download format with Open Office all the time. What type of problems are you having? Where I sometimes have problems is if there are quotes in the text of a field. That will cause OO (or Excel) to output the file as quote delimited instead of tab delimited. To get around that I select all the content of the file and paste it into a text editor and then save it as a text file and the quotes aren't added in around each data field.
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Re: XSLT for Products Table - OpenOffice Calc

Postby Bsummerlin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:01 am

I'm 100% certain the last time (been a while ago), I edited in Excel and tried to import back into SS, it put double quotes around fields and has been causing me headaches ever since. I will give it a shot like you suggested. Are there any other tricks to uploading it back into SS that I might have overlooked so that quotes aren't added?

Thanks Jim!
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Re: XSLT for Products Table - OpenOffice Calc

Postby Jim » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:19 am

Yes, Excel will always as quotes around any data that has punctuation in the cell, so that can be a problem. This Kbase article, http://support.shopsite.com/KBase/questions/1978 , was written to give some help with that regard. Excel and other Spreadsheet programs often stop outputting tabs for empty fields at the end of the row of data. This causes problems on an upload because the number of tabs in each row of data must match the number of tabs in the header row. You can get around this by adding an extra column of data at the end of the actual data and make sure that it always has somehing in it. Then when you upload you can just ignore that column.

An Excel format input was also added a few versions ago (current version is 11sp2r4) , I think it has to be saved as xls format (Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003) before it will work. I haven't always been able to import Open Office files saved in those formats though so I usually just copy to a text editor and save the file from there.
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