flat shipping charge

General ShopSite user discussion

flat shipping charge

Postby bkgca » Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:35 pm

I believe how I understand it , is correct, but would like to run it by those that really are in the know to make sure I didn't miss something...

We want to change our shipping, such that for only one type of product, no matter how much they order, it's a one flat fee for shipping.. say $8.95, no matter of they order 1 or 100 of that product type, the shipping is a flat fee of $8.95.
All other products types are FREE.

I don't see a way to do it by product type per say, so seems I need to...

Go into "Shipping Set Up" and select "Flat Shipping" ,. and set it up by hitting "Configure".

Than for all but that one type of product (do a mass edit), I edit the "Product Info Page" and for Check the box for "No Shipping Charges".

So that should leave me with all but the one product, not incurring shipping charges, and that one will incur a flat rate of $8.95 no matter how many of that one product type they order.

Sound right ?

Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:14 pm

Re: flat shipping charge

Postby Jim » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:48 pm

To see if I understand what you are asking.
You have products A, B, C, D.
If someone buys one of product D they will be charged 8.95, if they buy 100 or 200 of D they will still only be charged 8.95.
If they buy A, or B or C or any combination of those they will not be charged shipping no matter how many of they they buy.

And if they buy 2 A and 1 D they will be charged 8.95.

If that is what you are saying, then yes, you would set all products to not have shipping charges on them except the D product. Any you would set the Flat shipping option to 8.95.
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Re: flat shipping charge

Postby bkgca » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:38 pm

yes , your example does describe it well.

So long as any products of type of D, still has shipping enable (unlike A, B, or C) , so long as they buy 1 or 100 of D, (and any combo or Qty of A thru C) they get a 8.95 shipping charge on their whole order.
If they buy any combo of A thru C, but none of D, no shipping charges.
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:14 pm

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