Header image

General ShopSite user discussion

Header image

Postby palex » Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:04 pm

Under Preferences --> Layout Settings, the Header Image is specified.
However, it only displays on a search result and view cart page, and not pages I have created myself (index, and a couple of others). On these pages, it shows the broken image indication. Any ideas on whether or not there is an additional setting? Thanks so much!
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Re: Header image

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:19 am

What is the URL to your website? Do you have the checkboxes checked to display the header on your pages (Pages > Edit Page Layout)?
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Header image

Postby palex » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:02 am

Yes, that box is checked. The URL is http://palexbooks.com/store/index.html
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Re: Header image

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:43 am

It looks like the URL of the image on your store pages is a partial URL, starting with /media, which goes to the root of your domain rather than the /store folder which is where the logo is at. I have not seen this issue before. The URL should either be a full URL or start with media (no slash). Try going to Preferences > Layout Settings, and make sure there is no slash in front of "media" you can also check the SSL settings under Preferences > Hosting Service to make sure they are setup correctly. Typically the logo image URL uses the full secure URL.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Header image

Postby palex » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:19 am

This is interesting. I respecified the path, and it is now working, although it didn't work at first... thanks again!
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Re: Header image

Postby Jim » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:52 am

Your store secure settings are not configured correctly on Under preferences > Hosting Services for these 2 fields.
Shopping Cart secure URL:
Secure Store URL:

You do not have a secure certificate for palexbooks.com (or if you do it is not installed on the server) you are evidently using a shared certificate from *.sslcert35.com . You need to find out what the proper way to access that secure certificate and you domain together. Your host should be able to help you with what the appropriate secure url is.

When I logged into your backoffice and looked at the preferences screen the Secure Store URL: field was blank. I put in the secure url using https://palexbooks.com/store. That might be part of the reason the image is now displaying. If I remove the secure url settings then the logo disappears when the page is published.

You could operate the store using incorrect secure urls but all users would get a security warning when they accessed any page in the store. (I had to accept the certificate as invalid in order to view pages. You probably did that also at one time or you would be seeing the warning when you login to your backoffice.)

With the help of my co-worker I figured out what the secure url for your store would be and entered it for the above mentioned fields. You should also change the
ShopSite secure URL:
ShopSite Images secure URL:
settings to use the same secure domain name. (If I changed them you would be logged out of your store and wouldn't know why, since it would change the urls where all the cgis in the backoffice load from.!)
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