by ShopSite Lauren » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:48 am
You can add a main menu (top navigation) and left navigation menu under Preferences > Navigation. A video tutorial on setting up these menus can be found at the following URL. Note, these menus will appear globally on all your store pages.
For the main body, you can assign products to be listed on your home page the same way that you assign products to other pages. Many merchants will also create a banner image to display on the home page which highlights a specific product or current promotion. If you want to modify the product layout of a single product on the home page, what I would suggest is to first add the product to the home page, then highlight all the product information and right click in your browser (should work in most browsers other than IE) and select "View Selection Source." You can then copy the source code for that product, paste it into your text 1 field on your home page, then click on the [Editor] link above the text 1 box. This will turn that field into an HTML Editor where you can modify the product information/layout.
- ShopSite Lauren
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