My pages look nothing like the template/theme

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My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:22 am

I don't know what I did, but my store pages do not look anything like the theme/standard template that I applied. They did at first. I have tried to apply a different template to see what happens and my pages change but they don't look like any of the templates. The shopsite template that I want to use is Square/Black. Thank you!
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby Jim » Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:54 am

Did you change the theme under Preference > Themes ? Or did you just change the template under Pages > Edit Page Layout and/or Products > Edit Product Layout ?

What else did you change in the store? Things like the global header, global navigation, images etc can all make big differences in the look of the page.

What version of ShopSite do you have?
What product level is your store, Pro, Manager, Starter. Did that change? Different features are in each product level so if the product level somehow got changed that would also affect how the pages look.

What is the url to the pages in question?
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:51 am

The URL is

It is blue instead of black just so that I could try to see what was going on easier.

I just purchased shopsite in the last couple of days. It is version 11, Pro. I had a demo store for about a week and was able to get that just the way I wanted it. I believe I changed the templates AND the themes under Preferences. I had copied the cart template and made a couple small changes, just making the Ordering Instructions field bigger. Everything was fine even after I made those changes. I was working in Navigation and that is when I believe the whole site changed.

I was hoping that I could just go back to 'out of the box' new and start over. But I am also afraid that if I don't know what mistake(s) I made, I will likely cause myself the same problem again!

Thank you for helping!
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby Jim » Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:21 am

When I go to I get redirected to

Is that what should happen?

Did you have a store, delete it and then install again with a different domain name?

Did you or iPage create a redirect of some type to switch from the to the
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:35 am

A little background - I have an operating website at I wanted to change hosting providers and shopping cart. I needed additional features. I found shopsite through ipage. It seemed VERY user friendly so I got a demo copy. I was able to do everything I needed in it so I made the decision to buy the Pro version. My concern was keeping my current website operating while I built the new one in shopsite. When I called ipage to purchase the Pro version, they also created the domain so that I could build the new site while keeping the old one functioning. When I was done building and testing, the plan was to 'point' (don't know if that is the proper term) the domain to the new site.

Eventually I want to have the shopsite with both and domains pointing to it.
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:37 am

I did have a store and delete it. Live chat at iPage advised me that that was how I could resolve this problem. It didn't work. I don't know about a redirect - not sure what that means.
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:57 am

I'm coming in a little late in the discussion, but it looks like the publish files are not being published with the store. The publish files are both javascript files and CSS files that control the look of the page. If you go in your ShopSite store to Utilities > Publish, do you have the checkbox checked to publish the publish files? If it is and this is still occuring, then I would double check the permissions on the /publish folder. In your IPage account, you should have a feature called "File Manager." If you go into that, you should see the /publish folder and it should tell you what the permissions are. It will be a 3 digit number. It should be 777. If it isn't change it so it is, then republish your ShopSite store.
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:12 am

Hi Shopsite Lauren

There was a check mark next to publish css and js. I went to permissions of the Publish Directory - they were not 777. I changed them to 777 and then re-published. I still have the problem.
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:39 am

My Base URL is set to ""

Could that be part of the problem?
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby Jim » Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:33 pm

There is something weird doing on with your site.
I went to the link for your page "Drinks" which goes to and that page gives me an error "Page cannot be found". However if I go to I get to the page with your product on it. The add to cart button does add the product to the shopping cart which has the url
The css files on that page are being loaded from
but the links give page not found errors.

If I go to the registration screens by clicking the Click here to Register link that screen displays properly. The css files on that page are being loaded from
and those links load properly.

So some setting is not configured properly for your domain because looks like it should be the same thing as but they are not resolving to the same location.

What settings do you have configure on Preferences > Hosting Services? Please copy and paste all the following info from your store. If you don't want to post it publicly you can send it to me in a PM using the button on the right of the post.

My Store url:

Use SSL security in Shopping Cart check box (checked or unchecked)
Shopping Cart secure URL:
Secure Store URL:

Use SSL security in ShopSite (Merchant Interface) checkbox (checked or unchecked)
ShopSite secure URL:
ShopSite Images secure URL:

Store URL:
ShopSite Images URL:
Merchant CGIs URL:
Shopping Cart CGIs URL
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:51 pm

My Store url:

Use SSL security in Shopping Cart check box (checked or unchecked) CHECKED
Shopping Cart secure URL:
Secure Store URL:

Use SSL security in ShopSite (Merchant Interface) checkbox (checked or unchecked) CHECKED
ShopSite secure URL:
ShopSite Images secure URL:

Store URL:
ShopSite Images URL:
Merchant CGIs URL:
Shopping Cart CGIs URL[/quote]
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Re: My pages look nothing like the template/theme

Postby mhcscwm » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:51 am

It took forever and up a few levels of 'technical' but they finally just deleted the old store and reinstalled it. They said that it was corrupt. And Chrystal at iPage who answered the phone straightened out all the naming issues and started the ticket that eventually fixed the corrupt store. She may have been level one but she knew what she was doing! Thanks again for all the help on this forum. I will definately be using it a lot in the creation and maintenance of my site.
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