Product Upload errors continue after product gone

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Product Upload errors continue after product gone

Postby MServitus » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:50 pm

I have been learning about the joys of uploading products from my database into SS
( Pro Version: 9.0.4)
After starting upload, matching field names, doing upload, publishing, confirming all is good.
Next day I start uploading another group of products. I get some errors, so I go look at errors. I find a couple of errors and fix them, then upload again and everything seems ok, no upload errors reports.
But just cause I've grown used to looking for errors, I click on the
The Products Upload completed successfully.
Details are available in upload results.
I find that today's group of 30 products uploaded fine, but below then is a list of about 942 error messages that were NOT part of this upload.
Some of them were a part of yesterdays upload. Some of them were MONTHS old.
I assume SS is doing me a favor and keeping all of those error messages and showing them to me for fun, even though the error was corrected and the product changed weeks ago.
How can I cause it to stop sharing those old tired error message with them.... or...

Is SS really trying and trying and trying to upload that old failed upload attempt every time I do an upload. and how can I make it stop doing that.

Thanks for proving that good customer support still exists and the money I keep paying for Shop site is well spent.!!
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Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:42 am

Re: Product Upload errors continue after product gone

Postby Jim » Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:39 pm

What are the errors that are being reported?

My guess is that they are linking errors where a page or product does not exist so the link can't be resolved. This can happen (especially in older versions of ShopSite , the current version is 11sp2 so you should consider updating your version)) when you upload a page and have it assigned to another page or a product assigned to a page or other product but the name in one case was misspelled so it doesn't match what it was suppose to match. When this happens the item is still assigned to page or product so each successive upload it tries to match again and and another error occurs.

I has been a while since I have dealt with that issue but I believe that the offending pages/products had to be deleted in order to clear the link references. It may be possible to do it another way but I would have to dig into old notes to see how.
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Re: Product Upload errors continue after product gone

Postby MServitus » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:41 am

Thanks for the input Jim. I does make sense that one way to correct this would be the create pages that match the description of all the junk I have accumulated in the Upload process. And your statement of that tends to support my suspicion that there is a file somewhere that is storing this old stuff and retrying it over and over.
Maybe I'll go file hunting for my self, but it should would be good to know its name..

Anyone know that ??? Thanks..
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Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:42 am

Re: Product Upload errors continue after product gone

Postby Jim » Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:03 pm

The information is in the database itself, not in a separate file. So it would take manual manipulation of the database in order to delete the references. We don't provide any info on how to do this, nor do we condone doing it. If you attempt to do it and something goes wrong there may not be a way to fix your database again so make sure that you have a current backup.

I would recommend copying the errors to a text file and using that information
Create pages or products for all of the "bad" names and either upload them to the store or create them in the backoffice. Then publish the store and make sure the errors are fixed and then delete those pages/products.
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