PayPal hangs

General ShopSite user discussion

PayPal hangs

Postby outdoorf » Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:27 am

A customer orders on my site, go through the shopping cart OK but when it comes time to pay via PayPal it hangs and never connects to PayPal. I have done some research and need to check the configs in the Commerce setup screen, however when I try to access this all I get is a blank screen, I am running IE9 but it also happens when using Chrome. The other options in the SETUP work fine. I am using shopsite10.
Any help on either problem would be greatly appreciated. Daymon
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Re: PayPal hangs

Postby Jim » Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:12 am

If you are getting a blank screen when accessing a screen in the backoffice of your store, there is a real problem. This is generally caused by corrupted configuration settings resulting from the server running out of disk space or exceeding the user account quota. Either of those situations can result in some settings files being truncated and permanent loss of data.

You should contact your host for with assistance immediately. Accessing any other screen and making changes could cause further problems.
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Re: PayPal hangs

Postby outdoorf » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:56 pm

Thanks for the reply Jim
I have contacted my host (Bluehost) and they told me I need to contact Shopsite as it is a problem their end (not a hosting problem). I am at a bit of a loss. Shopsite used to have great technical support (one of the reasons that I chose them). Any more ideas anyone???
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Re: PayPal hangs

Postby Jim » Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:43 pm

Have you confirmed that there has been no disk space or quota issue on the server where your store is hosted?

If you are hosted at Bluehost there should be a link in your control panel or in the Bluehost documentation to where you can get support for ShopSite, it is a special email address just for Bluehost hosted merchants. If you can't find it by Tuesday Morning send me a PM and I'll get it for you.
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