Purchase email notification

General ShopSite user discussion

Purchase email notification

Postby Paula » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:34 pm

FYI: I didn't receive a payment notification from Shopsite from an order placed today. I received the PayPal notification, and it shows up on my dashboard.

It was only for that one order; the others are just fine. Thought you'd like to know.

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Re: Purchase email notification

Postby Jim » Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:34 pm

That is one of the problem with using PayPal standard with the IPN method, If it gets blocked in any way, ShopSite doesn't know that an order was completed. It could be blocked by a network connection issue or too much activity on the server your store is hosted on. I'm not sure if PayPal has incorporated a way to send the IPN from your merchant account on PayPal but you should check and see if there is a way to resend it. (Also make sure the order wasn't placed using the shoppers check which will delay the order until the check clears the bank)
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