Shopsite Updates V2

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Shopsite Updates V2

Postby Paula » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:22 pm

I have been looking forward to updating my Pro Store to version 2 since the announcement was first made back in May; mainly for the Pinterest and reviews functions. Unfortunately I can't seem to get an answer from my host, Hostmonster, as to when it will become available. A few weeks ago I was told (and emailed) it would be available shortly, then today, a support person from HM told me that if it wasn't installed by this time, that there's a good chance it wouldn't be available at all. Totally different answers. I guess I wouldn't mind waiting so long if I knew there was an end in sight. It's frustrating not to get consistent answers.

Does Shopsite have any leverage at Hostmonster regarding this upgrade? Because my calling there doesn't seem to be doing any good. Or do you have any other suggestions on how I can install the new updgrades? I don't really want to change hosts and I'm not comfortable with installing it myself.

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Re: Shopsite Updates V2

Postby Jim » Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:24 pm

First there is no V2 of ShopSite, it is ShopSite version 11 sp2. The most current version is 11 sp2 r3 which means there have been 2 service packs (sp2) for version 11 and there have been 3 patch releases (r3) for the service pack.

We have no direct influence on what our hosting partners offer. We make versions available to them when they are release but can't dictate to them when they make them available to there clients.

To keep up to date with the ShopSite versions I would switch to a company that has their clients interests in mind instead of their own. Do a search in the forum for "best hosting companies", or go to and look at the answers. The better hosts typically charge a little more than the cheap hosting companies but you get what you pay for.
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Re: Shopsite Updates V2

Postby Teddy Bear » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:16 am

I suggest checking out Lexiconn as your hosting site. They offer the latest version of Shopsite and will help you get it setup.
Teddy Bear
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Re: Shopsite Updates V2

Postby Paula » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:42 am

Thanks, Jim and Teddy Bear. I just switched hosts earlier this year, and don't really want to have to switch again. I haven't had any problems with them, except for getting this new version set up.

I have heard positive things about Lexiconn, and if I do decide to switch at some point, they will be first on my list. I guess I'll wait a few more weeks...
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Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:35 pm

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