by loren_d_c » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:54 am
The XML file at:
only contains the following line:
google-site-verification: google-sitemap.xml
This is what is supposed to go inside the Google Webmaster Tools site verification file, not the sitemap itself. So go to Merchandising -> Google Services -> Sitemap and make sure you do NOT have 'google-sitemap.xml' entered in the 'Google Site Verification File' field. What you SHOULD have in this field is the name of the verification file as specified in your Google Webmaster Tools account, it would look something like this (yours would NOT be this, this is just an example): googlebd3f0085ca9ca443.html
After you have made whatever corrections necessary and saved the changes, go to Utilities -> Publish, make sure the 'Generate Google Type SiteMap during update' checkbox is checked, and Regenerate, this should rebuild the sitemap XML file. After this you should be able to see actual XML code detailing the links to all of your pages when you go to your sitemap at